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Session Experimental Archaeology in the Balkans: Summa Summarum

Organised by
Serbian Archaeological Society (RS)


  • Serbia

Until recently, in the Balkans, experimental archaeology was not considered as something that could contribute to science. For decades, this useful and fruitful branch of archaeology represents a genuine scientific discipline in a number of western and central European countries, as well as in Russia. There, for example, experiments were introduced as an inseparable part of material culture research at the famous Leningrad laboratory. On the other hand, obviously, certain experiments require a high level of interdisciplinary knowledge, expertise, and technical equipment, especially when it comes to replicas of individual structures or entire settlements. Nevertheless, it seems that experiments have always been present in our archeological communities, however often underrepresented or unpublished. Only lately has experimental archaeology been revealed up in this area, both regarding the number of conducted experiments and the number of selected topics.

Therefore, it has been suggested for the Serbian Archeological Society (SAS) and EXARC to establish a session about experimental archaeology as a part of the Annual meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society in Negotin. On this occasion, colleagues regularly conducting experiments will have an opportunity to present their research within a professional and involved environment. All the presentations will be given either their mother tongues or in English. Also, several presentations will be displayed as posters in English. Results of the entire session shall be published as proceedings by SAS and EXARC, in English. Due to the timing and conference capacities, a maximum of 16 presentations will be held, which will be complemented with introductory and closing presentations. Other topics shall be presented as posters.