tablet weaving

Tarquinia’s Tablets: a Reconstruction of Tablet-Weaving Patterns found in the Tomb of the Triclinium

Richard Joseph Palmer 1
Publication Date
Within textile Archaeology several key Etruscan sites provide experimental archaeologists with ample evidence for research and recreation. This project aims to look a the textile patterns themselves, and how these weavers might have created the images found on famous Etruscan paintings...

Book Review: Faserwerkstatt by Doris Fischer

Christina Spaulding 1
Publication Date
As the title implies, Faser Werkstatt: Traditionelle Textiltechnik mit natürlichen Materialien is a direct and practical book on the historical creation and use of fibers. It is aimed at a casual reader with little to no knowledge or experience with the fiber arts, with detailed instructions on creating and using threads and ropes made from natural fibers...

A Tablet Woven Band from the Oseberg Grave: Interpretation of Motif and Technique

Bente Skogsaas 1
Publication Date


The textile fragments from the Oseberg tomb (834 AD) in Norway are considered the world's largest and most important textile finds from the Viking Age. Among the textiles, 48 tablet-woven bands were identified and roughly divided into five categories by Margareta Nockert: I) Brocade, II) Tabby, III) Mixed I and II, IV) Ready threaded and V) Three or more colours without brocade (Nockert, 2006, pp. 147-155).

Ancient Greek Weaving, Experimental Archeology on Greek Textiles and Household GDP

Richard J. Palmer 1
Publication Date
#EAC12 World Tour 2021
***This paper outlines the experimental weaving project of an ancient Greek chlamys to investigate the weaving production capacity of a typical household and reconstruct women’s contribution to household GDP in ancient Greece. While some scholars have researched finer textiles and tech-niques based on visual evidence...

A Shared Warp: The Woven Belts of the Lao Han People, China

Celia Elliott-Minty 1
Publication Date

The renowned weaver Peter Collingwood briefly mentioned such belts in his book The Techniques of Tablet Weaving (Collingwood, 1982, pp.219-220). Not long before he died in 2008, he contributed a couple of pages on these belts to the book Minority Textile Techniques: Costumes from South-West China (Collingwood, 2007, pp.28-29). 

A Short Guide to Making Wax Tablets

Αntonis Vlavogilakis 1
Publication Date
A few years ago, I conducted a series of experiments focusing on wax tablets as drawing tools in antiquity (Vlavogilakis, in press. All references to my earlier experiments with wax tablets refer to this paper). When this was over, I decided to create a diptych as a present. The method of making was inspired from examples of tablets and diptychs from different periods: Bronze Age...

Prehistoric Dressing for Third Millennium Visitors. The Reconstruction of Clothing for an Exhibition in the Liptov Museum in Ruzomberok (Slovakia)

Kristína Urbanová 1
Publication Date
There can be various reasons for reconstructing clothing for museum purposes. The most frequent one, as in the case of this paper, is to improve and liven up an exhibition with 3D models (Hendszel et al., 2008), which present the fashion culture of individual periods, nationalities or specific regional features to the general public...

Tablet weaving

Also called card weaving. Method of making cloth in which a piece of wood is used to separate the threads.