In the summer of 1997 archaeological excavations were done in the Hróarstunga area. They found ruins of a large farm from the Viking Era. This included a long house, a small church and two smaller buildingssurounded by a turf wall. The church was built originally in the Commonwealth (930-1262).
The church was probably the home-church of Hróar, son of Uni the Dane, one of East-Iceland's settlers. The church served one farm family only. The building style was common here as well as in Norway.
In the years 1999 to 2001 east of the Hroarstunguvegur, road 925, this turf church was reconstructed. The church was built of turf, wood and stones with funds that came largely from the European Union, but also from the Science Research Council of Iceland, Northern Province and Ventures. It is located where Húseyarvegur, road 926, leads further north. The actual site is located about 2 km north, west of the road 926. The chapel was not consecrated, but blessed in 2001.
Text sources: Wikipedia, Kirkjukort, Guidetoiceland.is
Photo: Kirkjukort