Calendar of Events

Ancient Textiles Weaving - One Day Workshop

Kind of Event
United Kingdom

Handspin yarn and weave it into a community-made piece of fabric on an ancient style loom.

Making cloth and fabrics in the ancient past was a work of such skill, technology, time, care and many different processes that it is one of the most fascinating crafts of Scottish prehistory. We are lucky enough to look after a surviving fragment of prehistoric twill fabric in our museum's collection which came from the archaeological excavation of the ‘Oakbank Crannog’ house site, dated to 500BC in Loch Tay.

We offer a range of workshops in the skills and processes that would have produced fabrics and garments in prehistory, built up from the skills our Interpreters have honed, researched and developed over many years. A humble piece of thread is arguably amongst the most innovative developments in the human story. During this workshop, learn to make your own drop spindle, a type of traditional spinning implement, and create a ball of handspun yarn. You can then contribute to our community piece of (re)constructed Oakbank Crannog twill on an experimental archaeological two-beam loom, using the wool you have spun in the morning.

You’ll be welcomed and looked after, complete with a hearty, traditional lunch cooked in our Iron Age kitchen, and plenty of refreshments. We hope to share with you and a community of likeminded enthusiasts a passion for ancient textiles in our unique lochside setting surrounded by hills, as we sit and tell stories around the crackling fire.