Calendar of Events

Blacksmithing Demonstration at Villa Borg

Kind of Event

In the workshop area of ​​the Roman Villa Borg, Louis Theobald runs the Roman forge on Saturday and Sunday October 9 and 10, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Louis Theobald shows and explains the ancient blacksmith's trade. He loves working with glowing iron and creates functional and decorative wrought iron objects.

At the age of 14 he began his apprenticeship as a blacksmith on the Nied between Bouzonville and Boulay and gained a wide range of experience as a globetrotter in Asia. Since he opened his studio in Hargarten-Les-Laumesfeld in neighboring France, he has shown his art in various exhibitions and objects in the region.

The blacksmith's trade is the oldest form of human metalworking and the various forging techniques have basically not changed until today. The Roman blacksmith's craft developed to great perfection and went over to serial production for many of its products. This mode of production corresponded to the mass demand for tools, as it existed for the Roman army and in the civil life of the Roman Empire.

His demonstrations can be seen as part of a tour and are included in the entrance fee to the villa.