Calendar of Events

Holiday Course: Hunting Fever and Fire Devil

Kind of Event

Making fire - the prehistoric way. This skill was vital for our ancestors. There are various methods of doing this, one of which requires team spirit! And how can fire be transported? Each participant produces his own candle and can symbolically carry the fire on.

Then it's off to the hunt! Armed with bows and arrows, slingshots and spears, these hunting devices are tried out. The distance and accuracy of the individual devices can be compared with one another. Hunting successes are discussed at the campfire over tea.

Costs: children € 9.00; Adults € 11.00 (including material)
Participants: at least 5, max. 15 participants,
minimum age for unaccompanied children 10 years
Registration deadline: October 5th, 2021, please inquire afterwards!