Come to the Stone Age Festival with the Nordic pioneers!
Experts in flint knapping, leather tanning or bone tool making. It's not something you see every day, but nevertheless, it's what you can experience when reconstruction agencies and craftspeople with a passion for the hunter Stone Age from all corners of Europe meet to the Sagnlandets Stone Age Festival 'Athra Gathering'.
The group of international guests who camp this year in Sagnlandet in connection with the Stone Age Festival Athra Gathering have more expertise than any other when it comes to skills in primitive lifestyle and the ability to cope without the comforts of modern civilization in even the most harsh natural environments.
All weekdays in week 29, Stone Age experts and specialists meet from everything from hunting with bow & arrow and skinning up to flint knapping, fire making and collecting food and medicinal plants.
The many guests share their knowledge and enthusiasm for the survival skills of the past and invite you to exciting workshops where big and small can try their life as a Stone Age hunter.