During the archaeological expedition organized by Moldova State University in June and July 2007, a team formed by the members of the Archaeology Seminar, under the surveillance of the director of the “Thracology” Scientific Research Lab, dr. Andrei Nicic, have organized the Centre of Experimental Archaeology.
The main purpose of this project was to make a collection of pottery vases after the analogies of those from the “Cozia-Saharna” and getic cultures.
Since 2008, under the conduct of the "Thracology" Scientific Research Lab (Moldova State University), at Saharna-Ţiglău (Middle Dniester basin) has been making preparation works for the organization of an open-air archaeological park.
The aim of the experiment was the reconstruction of a prehistoric dwelling in the early Iron Age (Cozia-Saharna culture, X-VIII centuries AD).
The archaeological experiment was completed by the controlled arson of the first dwelling, the documentation of the burning processes and their impact on the archaeological material.