Комунальний заклад Львівської обласної ради Адміністрація державного історико-культурного заповідника "Тустань" (Communal facility of the Lviv Regional Council Administration of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Tustan"). The reserve takes care of the remains of the fortress, its natural and historical environment
The fortress city of Tustan existed on the Uritsky rocks during the 14th-16th centuries. It was a strategic point of the Carpathian defense line, combining customs, administrative and military center. According to the construction technology, the fortress has no known analogues in the world[2]. The wooden building has not survived to this day, but more than 4,000 grooves and notches, into which the wood was inserted during construction, have been preserved. Their system allowed scientists to reproduce the appearance of the Tustan fortress with high reliability.