Golden History Museums offers visitors fun, participatory experiences about the exciting history of the dynamic town of Golden, Colorado.
The Astor House Museum, a former hotel and boarding house, offers a glimpse of life at the frenetic turn of the 20th century when Golden was a bustling supply town and trade center. Establishments like the Astor House were an important fixture in Golden where transients and passers-through outnumbered residents nearly four to one.
Clear Creek History Park recreates 1880s life on a ranch in nearby Golden Gate Canyon. Visitors can immerse themselves in pioneer life by helping tend our garden, lending a hand with chores, participating in a school lesson, and caring for our farm animals.
The Golden History Center features a variety of changing exhibits about Golden’s past. It also boasts one of the finest collections of Coors Porcelain in the country, fun Jolly Rancher memorabilia, and a wealth of artifacts that tell the story of our city from its founding to present day.