The initiative for Gunnes Gård was taken by the Stockholms Läns Museum with the publication of a book about cultural areas in the region Upplands Väsby, in 1988. The Smedby Park was highlighted in the book as an interesting culture historical area. The park is an area for relaxation and walking, rich in ancient monuments from the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Viking Age (rune stones).
A reconstruction of a Viking farm located between the ancient sites would raise their visibility, understanding for them and subsequently their preservation. Gunnes Gård derives its name from one of the rune stones.
A few years later, the farm actually took shape, going back on excavations at Pollista just outside Bålsta. The farm was made by Eje Arén, thatcher, in cooperation with the excavator of the site, Kenneth Svensson and exists of 4 buildings – a living quarters, one for cattle, one for cooking and one for storage. The site at Pollista also had a pit house. The discussions when constructing, the choices made, all was witnessed and actively participated by the Stockholms Läns Museum – the museum offers its competence so what is presented is as truthful as possible. There is a cooperation agreement between the owner (the Upplands Väsby Kommun) and the Stockholms Läns Museum.
The Farm is focussing on education of school groups (live “Iron Age” life for a day) and acts like an open air museum. There are animals at the farm, like pigs, chicken and cattle – which play an important role at the farm.