Experimental Archaeology

Aspects on Realizing House Reconstructions: a Scandinavian Perspective

Ulf Näsman 1
Publication Date

Using examples from the Scandinavian Iron Age and Viking Age, problems in realising house reconstructions are discussed here, including the deskwork necessary as part of the preparations. My own experiences in this field include participation in the 1966-1973 excavations of the settlement fort at Eketorp (Öland, Sweden) and the subsequent partial reconstruction of the fort. The second settlement phase, of interest here, is dated from the fifth to early seventh centuries AD (Borg et al. 1976).

An Experimental Programme for the Collection and Use of Retouching Tools Made on Diaphyseal Bone Splinters

Millán Mozota Holgueras 1
Publication Date
The present work presents the results of 38 experiments of bone fragmentation and blank collection, together with 177 experiments of retouch. In the first series of experiments, the fragmentation step was executed by massive percussion using macro-lithic tools...

Testing a Reconstruction: A Frosty Week in a Viking Age House

Kristiina Paavel 1 ✉,
Viire Pajuste 1,
R. Rootslane 1
Publication Date
In the summers of 2010 and 2011, an archaeologically inspired Viking Age horizontal log house with a two-layer split plank roof, clay floor and a dry-stone stove without a chimney was built in Rõuge, Estonia. In the winter of 2012 (30 January 2012 - 05 February 2012) a one-week living-experiment was organised to test the building...

Fire and Bone: An Experimental Study of Cremation

Christophe Snoeck 1 ✉,
R. J. Schulting 1
Publication Date
7th UK EA Conference Cardiff 2013
***Many bone fragments have been burned in controlled laboratory conditions but few have been burned on outdoor pyres. In order to study and understand cremated bone, it is crucial to conduct experiments in real environmental conditions. In this study several cremations were carried out outdoors...

Let’s Build a Medieval Tile Kiln - Introducing Experimental Archaeology into the University Curriculum

Gaynor Wood 1
Publication Date
7th UK EA Conference Cardiff 2013
***As a lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) I teach a course on medieval archaeology and run a successful programme in designing exhibitions for local museums and community groups. I also encourage my students to take part in the community archaeology and history projects...

Lithic Experiments in Rescue Archaeology: a Case from Southern Norway

Svein Vatsvåg Nielsen 1 ✉,
J. Åkerstrøm 1,
T. Vihovde 1
Publication Date

To test whether or not the form of the discovered quartz was a result of prehistoric technological choices, a fracture analysis on collected vein quartz from Aust-Agder County was conducted1 . Lithic experimentation is traditionally associated with either institutionalized academic research or post-production phases of excavations.

Experimental Lime Burning Based on the Findings from the Roman Empire Period

Richard Thér 1 ✉,
David Maršálek 1
Publication Date

In 2006 the remains of two lime kilns from the Roman Empire period were discovered in Tuněchody near Chrudim in the Czech Republic. These finds became the object of a detailed multidisciplinary research project resulting in hypotheses on the use of the kilns. Based on these hypotheses experimental research was designed (Thér et al. 2010)...


At Augsburg University the Chair of Ancient History has a society of friends called "Verein der Freunde der Alten Geschichte der Universität Augsburg e.V.". The society exists to establish experimental archaeology in an academic environment.

At Augsburg University the Chair of Ancient History has a society of friends called "Verein der Freunde der Alten Geschichte der Universität Augsburg e.V." (Friends of Ancient History at Augsburg University).