I am an independent artist working directly with the public, using the traditional trade of silhouettes. I interpret and demonstrate the role of portraiture, and society experiences with portraits, chiefly between 1700-1920 (Modern Era). My focus is live experiences and living history: visitors, guests, private groups, individual commissions experiencing sitting for their own silhouette portrait made only with scissors. I connect historical interpretation into a guest experience.
My work also includes presenting at museums and associations, for staff/volunteer training, public lectures, and/or for the museums industry. I have presented almost 20 paper- or workshop-sessions within ALHFAM (Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums) or one of its regional groups, at one EXARC member site (Lauresham in Germany), and countless museums across the USA.
Recently I have been observing the themes of empathy, community connection, and social justice in the participants and the observers of the final portraits of my public art silhouettes - the only place where my silhouettes are collected in a group for display. During 2022 I made two public artworks in two different countries, USA and also in Germany, and I look forward to creating more.
I also have interests in physiognomy (the pseudoscience of judging character from facial characteristics) and its impact on society. I also love all tools connected to my work: paper and scissors. I also have a side interest in Middle Ages through Modern agriculture, including the impact of agricultural calendar (daily or seasonally) on daily life. I also love woodcuts and Early Modern woodcuts.