Bronze Age

Historia Vivens - Living History & Emotional Heritage (IT)

Historia Vivens is an Italy-based private project especially devoted to favour the rediscovering and promoting of the European heritage: historical sites, open-air living history and folk museums, theme parks and special archaeological projects, Living History and Folklore.

Historia Vivens is an Italy-based private project especially devoted to favour the rediscovering and promoting of the European heritage: historical sites...

Parque Arqueológico Los Cipreses (ES)

Member of EXARC

Enclosed in the industrial southern part of the town of Lorca (Murcia), the Archaeological Park of Los Cipreses occupies the site of an important settlement which dates back to the 3rd millennium BC, and belongs to the so called El Algar Culture. It had eight huts of oval shape, half dug in the soil and with stone walls. The settlement was discovered in 1992 during building works for the local sports centre and was therefore excavated.

Enclosed in the industrial southern part of the town of Lorca (Murcia), the Archaeological Park of Los Cipreses occupies the site of an important settlement which dates back to the 3rd millennium BC, and belongs to the...

Yacimiento Arqueológico de Castellón Alto (ES)

Member of EXARC

The incredible settlement, placed on a white stone cylindrical spur, is the most ancient to be open to the public in Andalucía. It is located few kilometres west of the village of Galera. The site dates back to the culture of Argar (1800 BC).

The incredible settlement, placed on a white stone cylindrical spur, is the most ancient to be open to the public in Andalucía. It is located few kilometres west of the village of...

Parque Arqueológico de Arte Rupestre de Campo Lameiro (ES)

Member of EXARC

The archaeological park is situated east of the village of Campo Lameiro, in Galicia in the west of Spain. The park is part of the project “four parks for four provinces” launched by Rede Galega do Patrimonio Arqueolóxico and was the first to be realized with funding from regional and ministerial organs.

The archaeological park is situated east of the village of Campo Lameiro, in Galicia in the west of Spain. The park is part of the project “four parks for four provinces” launched by Rede Galega do Patrimonio Arqueolóxico...

The Quality of the Craft

Paul Eklöv Pettersson 1
Publication Date
In this study the sustainability of crucibles used during the Scandinavian Bronze Age is tested. Due to the crucible’s high or low sustainability the idea of it being a disposable object may be ratified or discarded. Earlier experiments focusing on the casting process in Scandinavian Bronze Age have concluded that crucibles such as the ones used during Bronze Age were disposable objects due...

Bill Crumbleholme

Member of EXARC since
United Kingdom
Crafts & Skills

Self-employed potter and experimental archaeologist. I make pottery replicas of prehistoric British wares, mainly Bronze Age Beakers and Collared Urns. I also make contemporary ceramics that are heavily inspired by ancient pots, including functional beakers.

Conference Review: 8th Spanish Experimental Archaeology Workshop

Javier Baena Preysler 1
Publication Date
During the penultimate week of September a new Experimental Archaeology Workshop was held in the city of Caspe (Zaragoza, Sain). Organised by several institutions, including the Fundación Fernando El Católico, the City Hall of Caspe, the University of Zaragoza and the Diputación of Aragón, this was the...