Roman Era


At Augsburg University the Chair of Ancient History has a society of friends called "Verein der Freunde der Alten Geschichte der Universität Augsburg e.V.". The society exists to establish experimental archaeology in an academic environment.

At Augsburg University the Chair of Ancient History has a society of friends called "Verein der Freunde der Alten Geschichte der Universität Augsburg e.V." (Friends of Ancient History at Augsburg University).

Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Zeiteninsel (DE)

Member of EXARC

The "Zeiteninsel" is an Archaeological Open-Air Museum situated in Weimar-Argenstein near Marburg. The museum is under construction since 2010, although erecting of buildings started in 2017.

The "Zeiteninsel" is an Archaeological Open-Air Museum situated in Weimar-Argenstein near Marburg. The museum is under construction since 2010, although erecting of buildings started in 2017.

Legionärspfad (CH)

Member of EXARC

The Legionary Trail is a Roman archaeological park in Windisch/Brugg, (nearby Zurich), in the canton of Argovia. It stands on the historical site of the only Roman army camp ever established in Switzerland. Visitors discover ten archaeological sites and accurately reconstructed Roman military barracks from the 1st century AD. Originally, the camp spread out over some 20 hectares. The barracks were first built out of timber and clay by the soldiers of the 13th legion. Over the years, a civilian settlement developed outside the legionary camp, which grew to around 45 hectares and probably accommodated some 10,000 inhabitants.

The Legionary Trail is a Roman archaeological park in Windisch/Brugg, (nearby Zurich), in the canton of Argovia. It stands on the historical site of the only Roman army camp ever established in Switzerland. Visitors discover eight archaeological sites and ...

Interview: Dr Rosemarie Leineweber

Volkmar Held 1
Publication Date
Dr Leineweber (1951) has an impressive track record in German experimental archaeology, reaching over two decades back. She worked with metals, cremation experiments and much more, with museum colleagues, university students and researchers and inspiring many people in how to experiment in a way which is not only fun, but brings progress...

Kalòs - l’Archeodromo del Salento (IT)

Member of EXARC

Archeodromo Kalòs is a vast landscape park themed with experimental archaeology. It was founded by Meridies. They present a mixture of history and art and offer a journey to the origins of this region: the Messapi, Greeks and Romans, "in a place where nature and myth merge."

How many times we happen to think about what life was like when electricity, water and communications were not at hand? Would you like to take a step back in time? Today you can. The path runs from prehistory to the Middle Ages.

Ancient Repairs on Bronze Objects

Renske Dooijes 1
Publication Date
1999 Wilhelminaoord Workshop
***Bronze objects can be damaged in many ways, for example during casting or during their time of use. Often this damage was repaired using various techniques. In this paper, some examples of ancient repairs and their techniques are described and illustrated with examples published in the literature...