liveARCH Grant Agreement signed
Breaking News
In the evening of July 12th 2006, we received a fax from Brussels with the following content:
“The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency has concluded the examination of proposals submitted under the above Call for Proposals. On the basis of recommendations of independent experts from countries participating in the Culture 2000 programme, in agreement with the management Board of the programme and following the exercise of the right of scrutiny by the European Parliament, a list of projects, which have been proposed to receive an EU grant, has been established...
10th meeting of EXARC - a closer cooperation with liveARCH
The Living History Museums and archaeological open-air museums of Europe join their resources. From 11th – 13th November 2005, the members of EXARC met in Asparn an der Zaya (AT), north of Vienna. In the Metternich-Schloß, the director of the Niederösterreichisches Landesmuseum für Urgeschichte, Dr. Ernst Lauermann, welcomed the 25 museum directors and employees who travelled down to the meeting from Austria, Germany, France, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Hungary...
liveARCH (INTERREG 4C) became liveARCH (Culture 2000)
In September 2005, it became clear, the best option to apply for EU funding for the liveARCH idea was not to wait for INTERREG 4, but to join Culture 2000 with a 3 year project. One of the limits of Culture 2000 was the number of participants: maximum 8. After 2 weeks, our liveARCH project counted 8 candidates. We hope to be able to have more EXARC members join the project and its activities as affiliate partners. By the 28th of October, an application of almost 5 kilogrammes was sent off to Brussels.