Calendar of Events

Exhibition: Rome Lives! … And We are in the Middle of it!


Opening of an exhibition of the Römerkastell Saalburg in cooperation with the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim and Tricture. The exhibition runs until 28 October 2018. 

As a slave, pour out the wine, march with the Roman soldiers or pull rotten teeth as Medicus? Mix with the Romans! Large-format oil paintings surprise with amazing 3D effects. Scenes from everyday life, intimate or spectacular, tempt visitors to immerse themselves in the living world of the Romans. Visitors thus become part of the exhibition itself. Original Roman finds and replicas of ancient objects are shown in each scene and presented in their real context. If you look closely, you will discover the discovered objects in the pictures.

The exhibition takes you very close to authentic Roman environments. You could almost believe that you are really in ancient Rome. An interactive journey through time to get involved and photograph!

Only when you look at the pictures and immerse yourself in the scenery, the world of the Romans comes alive. Here are some scenes to choose from:

  • Human vs Tiger - animal fights in the arena
  • At table is located - A festive evening with the Romans
  • No rest and no paper - The Roman toilet (latrine)
  • Protective spirits for the family - At the altar of the Laren
  • On iron soles across the country - Roman legionnaires
  • With trombones and trumpets - music in the Roman army
  • Do sherds bring luck? - Roman pottery
  • Mirror, mirror in hand - beauty and cosmetics
  • Calculating, writing, beating - The Roman elementary school
  • Wellness for all - Roman baths
  • In the tent of the legionaries - The contubernium
  • Forceps, clamp, swabs ... - toothache with the Romans

Take a photo as proof of your time travel to ancient Rome and send it to your friends. They will be astonished!