Individual Members

Felix-Adrian Tencariu

Member of EXARC since

Hi, everyone! I am a senior researcher at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania, with expertise in the area of prehistoric archaeology. I am closely interested in different issues and topics of the chaine opératoire of prehistoric and traditional pottery and the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in South-Eastern Europe. My research is oriented especially towards integrating ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology and archaeometry to enhance the archaeological interpretation and help understanding past behaviours and technologies.
As experimentalist, in the last 20 years of activity I built and used almost every pottery firing installations, attested or supposed for the Eastern European Prehistory. Starting last year, together with some of my students (also EXARC members), we initiated a long-time project of experimental approaches to the entire chaîne opératoire of the Chalcolithic pottery from East of the Carpathians (Cucuteni-Trypillia culture). This includes identifying and preparing raw materials, forming and decoration techniques, firing, use and discard of ceramic recipients. Some of our trials are published and can be found on the academic social network listed below.