Individual Members

Natalya Solodenko PhD

Member of EXARC since
Crafts & Skills

I'm a postdoctoral research fellow and manager of the Laboratory for the Study of Human Cultural Evolution in the Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
My MA thesis was devoted to techno-typological analysis of Lower Palaeolithic tools. I did my PhD in Tel Aviv University, and my work is focused on deciphering the function of this tools by use-wear analysis, or in other words, by looking for traces that were left on the lithic tools as a result of their use. Experiments are an important and integral part of this study. To understand the traces, I had to replicate the same tools and use them in different tasks and with different materials to be able to compare the resulting use-wear signs with the real archaeological artifacts. The activities that I'm experienced with are butchering, hide processing, bone, wood and plants working.