Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Mittelalterhaus Nienover (DE)

Member of EXARC

In the Northeim Regency, Nienover represents an important historical site with the remnants of an entire medieval town extensively investigated and carefully excavated in some areas.

In the Northeim Regency, Nienover represents an important historical site with a full re-construction of a medieval house.

Keltenpark Otzenhausen (DE)

Member of EXARC

Near the important hillfort site of Otzenhausen, famous Iron Age site traditionally linked to a Celtic prince enemy to Caesar, the project for an Archaeological open-air museum was started in 2011 and opened in 2016.

Near the important hillfort site of Otzenhausen, famous Iron Age site traditionally linked to a Celtic prince enemy to Caesar, the project for an Archaeological open-air museum was started in 2011 and opened in 2016.

Arche Warder (DE)

Member of EXARC

In the middle of Schleswig-Holstein the Arche Warder is the largest animal park in Europe for rare and endangered domestic animals. It is located in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein between the lakes of Wardersee and Brahmsee.

Within the largest animal park in Europe for rare and endangered domestic animals,the past comes to life also in the re-constructed prehistoric village.

Museo y Yacimiento Arqueológicos de las Eretas (ES)

Member of EXARC

The archaeological site of Las Eretas is a fortified village built in the 7th century BC near Berbinzana, in Navarra, north east Spain. The sites shows how Iron Age life of the 6th and 5th century BC was like and a museum close to the site displays the most important artefacts and explains the history of the site.

The archaeological site of Las Eretas is a fortified village built in the 7th century BC near Berbinzana, in Navarra, north east Spain. The sites shows how Iron Age life of the 6th and 5th century BC was like and a museum...

Fornföreningen Fibula (AX)

Member of EXARC

The purpose of the association is to increase the knowledge about the Åland Island prehistoric epochs, primary the Viking time. Our goal is to emphasize the Iron Age by means of the reconstructed houses and a Viking ship, guided tours in the village, role play, re-enactments / camps for school kids, and banquets for companies, experiments and demonstration of crafts.

The purpose of the association is to increase the knowledge about the Åland Island prehistoric epochs, primary the Viking time. Our goal is to emphasize the Iron Age...

Freilichtmuseum Heuneburg - Keltenstadt Pyrene (DE)

Member of EXARC

The open-air museum Heuneburg Keltenstadt shows reconstructed buildings on the Heuneburg plateau. The Heuneburg itself is a prehistoric hill site at the upper course of the Danube between Ulm and Sigmaringen. It is one of the most well-known Celtic sites in Central Europe. The main occupation was during the 6th century BC., when a Celtic prince site was located here. The hill fort was surrounded by several burial mounds containing luxurious grave goods. Based on the results of current research projects the Heuneburg may be correlate with the Celtic city Pyrene mentioned by the Greek author Herodotus.

The open-air museum Heuneburg Keltenstadt shows reconstructed buildings on the Heuneburg plateau. The Heuneburg itself is a prehistoric hill site at the upper course of the Danube between Ulm and Sigmaringen. It is one of the most well-known Celtic sites in Central Europe...

Archäologischer Park Cambodunum (APC) (DE)

Member of EXARC

In the 1st century AD, Cambodunum, situated at present day Kempten, was the administrative centre of the province Rhaetia before this changed to Augusta Vindelicum, present day Augsburg.

In the 1st century AD, Cambodunum, situated at present day Kempten, was the administrative centre of the province Rhaetia before this changed to Augusta Vindelicum, present day Augsburg...

Rezerwat Archeologiczny - Bedkowice (PL)

Member of EXARC

Będkowice, created on the place of early medieval settlement, consisting of ancient defending settlement and barrow cemetery (8th – 9th century), about 50 hectares large.

Hillfort in Będkowice, located on top of the hill called Sokola Góra, is one of the best preserved hillforts in this area. Two rings of banks and ditches are still perfectly visible, however whole area of the hillfort is covered by forest now.

The external bank was larger, with 15 m of width, while the internal one was 7 m wide. The excavations inside the hillfort brought many interesting finds including arrow points and pottery and uncovered remains of late medieval tower build in the place of the hillfort.

Flag Fen (UK)

Member of EXARC

In 1982, in the local fenlands of Peterborough, wooden timbers were accidentally brought to light. It was the time of the heavy draining of these areas. An archaeological team, lead by Francis Pryor discovered they belonged to a post alignment dating back to the Bronze Age, leading into the fens for over 1 kilometre.

In 1982, in the local fenlands of Peterborough, wooden timbers were accidentally brought to light. It was the time of the heavy draining of these areas. An archaeological team, lead by Francis Pryor discovered they belonged to a post alignment dating back to the Bronze Age, leading into the fens for over 1 kilometre...