Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Tumba Madzari (MK)

Member of EXARC

In the early 1960s, a motorway was constructed near Skopje in the Municipality of Gazi Baba. Here, the most significant Neolithic site was discovered of the Skopje valley. Main excavations were executed by the Museum of North Macedonia at the end of the 1970s and in the 1980s with beautiful pottery and other Neolithic artefacts coming to light.

In North Macedonia and in Skopje in particular, there are just a few well known and appreciated archaeological sites. The Neolithic settlement Tumba Madzari is from its discovery appreciated by fellow archaeologists for the artistic and aesthetic values of its material and spiritual culture. Archaeologists of the Museum of North Macedonia therefore, joined with the former mayor of Gazi Baba. Mr. Trajanovski, decided that the archaeological site should become publicly known. Mrs Kanzurova MA & Dr Zdravkovski are authors of the project.

The Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE): Concept and Development of a Visitor Oriented Educational Centre for Sustainable Development

Rüdiger Kelm 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***What does a Stone Age village or Stone Age house look like? (Almost) every person that we happen to randomly meet can answer this question with (subjectively recognized) certainty. Since the research of the 19th century, the knowledge people assume to have is based, not lastly, on images or...

Gród Rycerski (PL)

Member of EXARC

The wooden arena was first designed at the beginning of the years 2000 and later founded by an Interreg programme by the EU.

Grod is a medieval style arena in which leisure, historical as well as "contemporary" can find its place.

Can Sadurni Horitzo 30 (ES)

Member of EXARC

The Cave of Can Sadurnì is one of the most exciting sites of European prehistory. Excavations have been carried out for over thirty years. Now, with the crisis, they encounter difficulties. The Archaeological Open-Air Museum project is intended to support and provide interpretation for this amazing site.

The project for the Archaeological Open-Air Museum was launched through National Geographic to promote excavations in the extraordinary site of the cave of Can Sadurní.

Stonehenge Visitor Centre (UK)

Member of EXARC

In the recently opened Stonehenge Visitor Centre, which provides permanent and temporary exhibition about one of the most striking World Heritage sites, five neolithic houses were (re)constructed.

The new Stonehenge Vistor Centre displays five neolithic houses, giving an overview of how life could have been at the time of the monument's building.

Navan Center - Emain Macha (UK)

Member of EXARC

The important archaeological site, in Northern Ireland, which yielded traces of consistent occupation since prehistory, was threatened by the expansion of a nearby limestone quarry.

In the proximity of the archaeological site of Navan Fort, the Centre displays a reconstructed roundhouse and hosts facilities for edutainment.