Mixed Matters

Book Review: Management of Open-Air Museums. Workpackage 2: “Improvement of Museum Management” by Jakobsen, B & Burrow, S (eds).

Paul Edward Montgomery 1
Publication Date
The five year OpenArch project concluded in 2015. It was an effort to create a permanent partnership between Archaeological Open-Air Museums (or, AOAMs) in Europe. The project saw eleven participating organisations come together to – among other objectives – produce work packages that would be accessible to people with an interest in the workings of AOAMs...

Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2016

Christopher Menke 1,2
Publication Date
REARC Conferences
***The 2016 REARC conference hosted by EXARC in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, from November 18th to the 20th, was an unforgettable experience. After a midnight drive and a short night's rest it was time to listen to papers. Everyone giving a presentation was incredibly knowledgeable and the passion they had for their topics...

Book Review: Menswear of the Lombards. Reflections in the Light of Archaeology, Iconography and Written Sources

Rena Maguire 1
Publication Date
Recent archaeological adventures in the beautiful Friulian region of Northern Italy had introduced me to the history of the Langobards, a Germanic people who settled in the Adriatic during the 6th century AD after a long period of southerly migration from the German/Scandinavian Baltic area...

Obituary: Steve Watts (25 July 1947 - 21 March 2016)

Doug Meyer 1
Publication Date
I first met Steve in the summer of 1990. I was a student at University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) following a summer course in anthropology called Southeastern Indians. The course included several field trips, one of which was to the Schiele Museum where we visited the Catawba Village and listened to a presentation by Steve Watts...

High Tech for the Stone Age – iBeacons in Open-Air Museums

Ulrike Kroll 1,
Rüdiger Kelm 1
Publication Date
Over the last few years, a lot of different digital communication technologies for the transfer / transmission of audio-visual informations have been developed, some very sophisticated, some very complicated (and expensive) and in recent times mostly based on applications for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets...

Book Review: Heritage Tourism Destinations by Maria D Alvarez (et al.)

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
This book is a follow-up from the first Hospitality, Tourism and Heritage International Conference, held in Istanbul, Turkey from the 6th to the-7th November 2014. It is wonderful that these papers were published only two years later. This book’s goal is to cross the bridge between theory and conceptual reflections...

Book Review: The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making: The Development of Craft Traditions and Clothing in Central Europe by Karina Grömer

Raylene McCalman 1
Publication Date
Textile research has made significant advances in recent years as new technologies and methods are developed, tested, and applied to the analyses of archaeological textiles. The FWF-Project1, a collaborative research effort involving researchers and artists from institutions in Austria, the Netherlands, and Germany, engaged in ...

Conference Review: EAA Vilnius – about Archaeological Tourism, Visualisation, Experiment and Reconstruction

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The European Association of Archaeologists held its annual conference of 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania. About 1,500 participants attended a programme, with a similar number of papers, in over 100 sessions. About a dozen EXARC members attended; what follows here is a review of three sessions...

Event Review: Archeofest 2016: among Experimental Archaeology, Ethnography and Scientific Disclosure

Massimo Massussi 1
Sonia Tucci 1
Publication Date
The Archeofest is an experimental archaeological festival designed by Paleoes - eXperimentalTech ArcheoDrome (EXTAD), a cultural association comprising of experimental archaeologists, anthropologists, experts of ancient technologies and their re-enactments, whose focus on making the archaeological knowledge more comprehensive to the public...