Late Middle Ages

Event Review: EXARC visits Moscow

Milica Tapavički-Ilić 1 ✉,
Artūrs Tomsons 2,3
Publication Date
Between the 1st to the 12th of June 2017, a huge festival called "Times and Epochs" (Времена и эпохи - Cобрание) was organized in Moscow. This was the occassion to gather participants not only from Russia, but also from many other countries, and demonstrate the best of reenactment to festival visitors...

Masamuda (NL)

Member of EXARC

Vlaardingen, not far from Rotterdam hosts a large nature reserve, called Broekpolder. Its size is 400 hectares (almost 1,000 acres), a quarter of the surface of Vlaardingen Municipality. It is an area for walking, mountain biking, et cetera. Masamuda aims to offer children and other people with an interest in the regional archaeology a real-live insight into past settlements in the Dutch delta.

2006, a civil initiative started to prevent the Broekpolder from being overbuilt with new houses. Citizens and the local municipality now cooperate in developing this area. One part of Broekpolder is an archaeological education zone, Masamuda. Vlaardingen has an archaeological past going back very long. Masamuda is meant to reconstruct dwellings from all periods, Stone Age until more recent times. The first house was built in summer 2016, a so called Vlaardingen Culture House.

12th Iberian Congress of Archaeometry (CIA 2017)


The 12th Iberian Congress of Archaeometry will be held between October 25th and 28th at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) in Burgos .

The Iberian archaeometry community will meet to discuss the technological advances and their possible applications to the material study of historical, archaeological and cultural heritage.



Experimenting is a great way to understand and learn. Experimenting through manual activities and the study of ancient technologies, allows us to transform the notional store to an everyday action.

The Modern Reproduction of a Mongol Era Bow Based on Historical Facts and Ancient Technology Research

Jason Wayne Beever 1,
Zoran Pavlović 2
Publication Date
This bow was a concept, commissioned from Ulrich Velthuysen, a Swedish archer. This horn bow could be classified as a post-conquest design from early 14th century AD Mongolia. In this article, I will describe, step-by-step, the gathering and processing of materials, and the construction of this design of horn bow...

“Days of Living Archaeology” at the Prehistoric Archaeopark Vsestary, Czech Republic

Radomír Tichý 1
Publication Date
Until recently, the presentation of archaeology in the Czech Republic was solely connected to classic museum exhibitions. Unfortunately, not all museums have archaeological exhibitions. For example, the National Museum in Prague currently does not have any, not even temporary, archaeological exhibition due to the reconstruction of the historical building...

Dublinia Heritage Centre (IE)

Member of EXARC

Dublinia heritage centre, a subsidiary company of the Medieval Trust serves as custodian of Viking and Medieval Dublin. Dublinia exhibits, promotes and displays the tangible and intangible culture and heritage through experiential reconstructions, best practice exhibitions and multi-sensory public engagement events. Dublinia’s objective is to be an engaging, educational and fun learning experience for all and strives to be the foremost education specialist for tomorrow’s tour guides.

Dublinia heritage centre, a subsidiary company of the Medieval Trust serves as custodian of Viking and Medieval Dublin. Dublinia exhibits, promotes and displays the tangible and intangible culture and heritage through experiential reconstructions, best practice exhibitions and multi-sensory public engagement events...

Experimental Production of High and Late Medieval Pottery at the Scientific Research Centre in Panská Lhota

Kateřina Těsnohlídková 1 ✉,
Karel Slavíček 1,
Jana Mazáčková 1
Publication Date
Experimental pottery production at the scientific research centre of the Institute of Archaeology and Museology at the Masaryk University Faculty of Arts (from here on ÚAM) in Panská Lhota began in the summer of 2012. The primary target of the experimental pottery production was an attempt to understand the manufacturing process...