
Kivikauden Kylä, Saarijärvi (FI)

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Finland's largest and oldest reconstructed stone age village can be found at Saarijärvi. “Kivikauden Kylä” literally means “Stone Age Village” in Finnish.

Finland's largest and oldest reconstructed stone age village can be found at Saarijärvi. “Kivikauden Kylä” literally means “Stone Age Village” in Finnish...

Ötzidorf Umhausen (Tirol) (AT)

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The Ötztal Association of prehistoric buildings and local history in Umhausen has built the “Ötzi village”, an archaeological open air park meant to illustrate how life might have been in the days Ötzi walked through the Alp Region.

The Ötztal Association of prehistoric buildings and local history in Umhausen has built the “Ötzi village”, an archaeological open air park meant to illustrate how life might have been in the days Ötzi walked through the Alp Region...

Musée de Préhistoire des Gorges du Verdon (FR)

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At Quinson, the departmental museum of the area “Alpes de Haute-Provence” is situated. The goal is to conserve the cultural archaeological Heritage of the Verdon Region, study this patrimony and show and explain it to the public.

At Quinson, the departmental museum of the area “Alpes de Haute-Provence” is situated. The goal is to conserve the cultural archaeological Heritage of the Verdon Region, study this patrimony and show and explain it to the public...

Archeoland Lupo Azzuro (IT)

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A stone, a fragment of pottery surfacing from the soil; the remains of people who have gone before us: who made them and how? Why? Archeoland, founded by Renato Fasolo, is a didactic park with both archaeological sites and reconstructed areas.

A stone, a fragment of pottery surfacing from the soil; the remains of people who have gone before us: who made them and how? Why? Archeoland, founded by Renato Fasolo, is a didactic park with both archaeological sites and reconstructed areas...

Villaggio Preistorico Sa Ruda (IT)

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The prehistoric village at Sa Ruda in Cabras, Sardinia, is part of an agro-touristic company. It has been constructed with consultation of a team from the University of Sassari and has a bit of experimental archaeology, ethnology and teaching. The village consists of a few dwellings, a common space, some fenced areas for animals and cultivated fields.

The prehistoric village at Sa Ruda in Cabras, Sardinia, is part of an agro-touristic company. It has been constructed with consultation of a team from the University of Sassari and has a bit of experimental archaeology, ethnology and teaching. The village consists of a few dwellings, a common space, some fenced areas for animals and cultivated fields...

Detský Praveký Skanzen Altamira (CZ)

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Thanks to the support of the Skoda Auto Trade Union, the youth group Altamira started building an archaeological open air museum. Their motto is “find out who you are in a struggle with nature”. The Youth Association itself was founded in 1985.

Thanks to the support of the Skoda Auto Trade Union, the youth group Altamira started building an archaeological open air museum. Their motto is “find out who you are in a struggle with nature”. The Youth Association itself was founded in 1985...

Le Lac de Chalain (FR)

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The ideas of how lake dwellings were like have shifted dramatically during the last century. In the Jura area in France, two lakes near each other were found out to reveal a large quantity of relatively undisturbed material on those dwellings. A fight begun between the archaeologists and those who wanted to make nice tourist beaches out of these lakes.

The ideas of how lake dwellings were like have shifted dramatically during the last century. In the Jura area in France, two lakes near each other were found out to reveal a large quantity of relatively undisturbed material on those dwellings...

Geschichtsdorf Landersdorf (DE)

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Already for a long period of time, the Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg e.V. (NHG), has been active in the region of the municipality Roth with many excavations showing the continuous habitation of the region since Neolithic times.

Already for a long period of time, the Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg e.V. (NHG), has been active in the region of the municipality Roth with many excavations showing the continuous habitation of the region since Neolithic times...

Khirokitia (CY)

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Khirokitia (or Choirokoitia, Greek:Χοιροκοιτία) was first excavated in 1934-1946. By the end of the 1970s, French excavations started. The site itself is UNESCO World Heritage since 1998.

Khirokitia (or Choirokoitia, Greek:Χοιροκοιτία) was first excavated in 1934-1946. By the end of the 1970s, French excavations started. The site itself is UNESCO World Heritage since 1998...