Newest Era

Authenticity is Fiction? Relicts, Narration and Hermeneutics

Jörg van Norden
Publication Date
In many ways, authenticity is everybody’s darling: the historian searches for authentic, historic texts in order to write down history objectively; the readers, naturally, appreciate an authentic description of the past; and museum visitors want to see authentic originals, not replicas...

To Be or Not to Be: Thoughts on Living History - Some Personal Remarks

Thit Birk Petersen 1
Publication Date
This article is based on personal experiences and observations conducted through many years as a volunteer at the Middle Age Centre in Denmark and later as a student at the Open Air Museum, Sorgenfri, Denmark. Observations and remarks made are solely personal and the article reflects thoughts I have had throughout the years...

Results of a Discussion on the State of Experimental Archaeology in Switzerland

T. Doppler 1,
Stefanie Osimitz 1 ✉,
Kathrin Schäppi 1
Publication Date
On 27 March 2010, the board of the Working Group on Experimental Archaeology in Switzerland (AEAS-GAES) invited a panel of experts to hold a public debate in Olten on whether the incentives that had existed at the time still played their part, how they were now constituted and what the future perspectives were...

A Field Trip to the Ukraine, April 2010

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
In April 2010, a conference took place at Olevsk, which was a good occasion to go to Kyiv and meet Dr Andrey Petrauskas of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the plans for reconstructions at three archaeological sites, to set it in perspective of other reconstructions elsewhere...