Newest Era

John C. Whittaker PhD

Member of EXARC since
Crafts & Skills

I am an academic archaeologist teaching at Grinnell College in Iowa, USA. I work with analysis and replication of prehistoric technologies, especially stone tools and atlatls, and early agricultural technology.

Worcester Museum (ZA)

Member of EXARC

Situated on the R60 near Kleinplasie, the Worcester Museum portrays pioneer agricultural life at the Western Cape with live demonstrations and exhibitions. It is open daily. Rural trades and domestic activities are demonstrated regularly.

Situated on the R60 near Kleinplasie, the Worcester Museum portrays pioneer agricultural life at the Western Cape with live demonstrations and exhibitions. It is open daily. Rural trades and domestic activities are demonstrated regularly...

The Schiele Museum of Natural History (US)

Member of EXARC

The natural wonders of North America and North Carolina coupled with the rich history of our region are all reflected in The Schiele's exceptional exhibitions and diverse programming. Whether you're indoors or out, with the kids or your colleagues, by bringing you a lot closer to nature, The Schiele will bring you a little closer to yourself.

The natural wonders of North America and North Carolina coupled with the rich history of our region are all reflected in The Schiele's exceptional exhibitions and diverse programming. Whether you're indoors or out, with the kids or your colleagues, by bringing you a lot closer to nature, The Schiele will bring you a little closer to yourself.

Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre

Member of EXARC since
Crafts & Skills

I have worked with EXARC since 2010 and currently manage the EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection. I have a PhD in archaeology from the University of Exeter and was a CLIR/DLF Fellow in Data Curation for the Sciences and Social Sciences at Arizona State University from 2013 to 2015.

Maurizio Cattani PhD

Member of EXARC since
Crafts & Skills

Assistant professor at the University of Bologna (Italy) in Prehistory and Protohistory since 2000, I have devoted main interest in the reconstruction of Bronze Age life in several parts of the world (Italy, Arabian peninsula, Central Asia).

Book Review: The Boyne Currach: from Beneath the Shadows of Newgrange By Claidhbh Ó Gibne

Tom Jackson 1
Publication Date

Claidhbh Ó Gibne has devoted himself to building traditional currachs and researching their history. His new volume, The Boyne Currach: From beneath the shadows of Newgrange, puts the currach in the context of the history of...

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2011

Sina Lorbeer-Klausnitz 1
Publication Date
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***Bilanz 2011 once again supplies an exciting, diverse and interesting view into the world of experimental archaeology. Published by EXAR in cooperation with the Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen, Isensee Verlag, Oldenburg 2011, 270 pp, ISBN 978-3-89995-794-5

Ósvör Sjóminjasafn (IS)

Member of EXARC

Ósvör is the largest and the oldest fishing base in Ísafjardardjup. Here, just outside of Bolungarvík you will find a (re)construction of an old fishing outpost...

Ósvör is the largest and the oldest fishing base in Ísafjardardjup. Here, just outside of Bolungarvík you will find a (re)construction of an old fishing outpost, a double 19th century fishing base with a salt hut, fish drying area and drying hut.

Historia Vivens - Living History & Emotional Heritage (IT)

Historia Vivens is an Italy-based private project especially devoted to favour the rediscovering and promoting of the European heritage: historical sites, open-air living history and folk museums, theme parks and special archaeological projects, Living History and Folklore.

Historia Vivens is an Italy-based private project especially devoted to favour the rediscovering and promoting of the European heritage: historical sites...