
La Ciutadella Ibérica de Calafell (ES)

Member of EXARC

The Iberian Citadel of Calafell is a centre of experimental archaeology, an archaeological open-air museum where visitors can see what life was like in the Iron Age 2,500 years ago. It is the first archaeological site in the Iberian Peninsula to have been reconstructed by using experimental archaeological techniques.

The Iberian Citadel of Calafell is a centre of experimental archaeology, an archaeological open-air museum where visitors can see what life was like in the Iron Age 2,500 years ago. It is the first archaeological site in the Iberian Peninsula to have been reconstructed by...

Butser Ancient Farm (UK)

Member of EXARC

Butser Ancient Farm is situated in the South East of England, approximately 50 miles to the south of London. The concept of replicating an ancient farm began life in 1970 as a research project developed by the Council for British Archaeology and the Research Committee on Ancient Agriculture from the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Butser Ancient Farm is situated in the South East of England, approximately 50 miles to the south of London. The concept of replicating an ancient farm began life in 1970 as a research project developed by the Council for British Archaeology and the Research Committee on Ancient Agriculture from the British Association for the Advancement of Science...

Bäckedals Folkhögskola (SE)

Member of EXARC

Bäckedal is a Folk High School / independent adult education college with courses in ancient technology and traditional knowledge. The school is independent concerning religion, party politics and the business-world and the education is funded by the Swedish state.

Bäckedal is a Folk High School / independent adult education college with courses in ancient technology and traditional knowledge. The school is independent concerning religion, party politics and the business-world and the education is funded by the Swedish state...

Bachritterburg Kanzach (DE)

Member of EXARC

Kanzach is a small village north of the Federsee in Southern Germany, counting about 500 inhabitants. In the years 2000-2004, a LEADER+ EU project was taking place here, resulting in a tourist attraction at the country side: a reconstruction of a small stronghold of the lower nobility as it could have been in the 14th century.

The village’s own original “Bachritterburg” has not been excavated, therefore, main sources came from the region. It has cost about 2 million Euro to build the wooden tower and adjacent buildings, but the museum has attracted many more visitors than planned. However, getting the finances for...

ArcheoParc Schnalstal / ArcheoParc Val Senales (IT)

Member of EXARC

The tragedy or what might have happened ... A man is fleeing up a mountainside, his pursuers hard on his heels. He flinches. A flint arrowhead had just pierced his left shoulder blade and penetrated deeply into the flesh.

The tragedy or what might have happened ... A man is fleeing up a mountainside, his pursuers hard on his heels. He flinches. A flint arrowhead had just pierced his left shoulder blade and penetrated deeply into the flesh...

Archäologisches Zentrum Hitzacker (DE)

Member of EXARC

About 90 kilometers southeast of Hamburg, at the B216 between Lüneburg and Dannenberg, the small village of Hitzacker is situated on the west bank of the Elbe. For decades, this river was dividing between East and West Germany. The river bank here is an archaeological reservation, with many remains from the Bronze Age.

About 90 kilometers southeast of Hamburg, at the B216 between Lüneburg and Dannenberg, the small village of Hitzacker is situated on the west bank of the Elbe. For decades, this river was dividing between East and West Germany. The river bank here is an archaeological reservation, with many remains from the Bronze Age...

Didarchtik meets in Calafell

November 16th - 17th, 2010 Less than two months after we started, Didarchtik already had its first ‘real’ workshop. It was well prepared by the local staff of the Ciutadella Iberica de Calafell – we had two intense days, with 23 people from six countries. Following an introduction at the Museu Casa Barral by the National Agency in Catalonia on European perspective of Adult Learning + Grundtvig programme...

Didarchtik kicking off on the Dutch-Belgian border

September 21st - 23rd, 2010 It was not so easy to bring all participants of 9 organisations to a seemingly lost farm in the borderlands together. It was well equipped, the weather was good and we had a great “home-cook”. Over a period of two days, under coordination of EXARC the ins and outs of the Grundtvig Learning Partnerships were discussed – and the application was explained in more detail as not all people present had actually been involved in writing it...

Our two Grundtvig Learning Partnerships got accepted

In August, 14 members and EXARC itself all got the news, our two Grundtvig Learning Partnerships got accepted. We are happy to announce, almost all partners of the application 'Zeitgeist' have been accepted by their respective national agencies. Unfortunately, our two Italian members were left out, probably because the number of Italian applicants in general was far more than in any other country. We are sorry to lose a good specialist and an experienced museum in this project, but will try other ways of cooperation with them...

Grundtvig preparation meeting

February 11th - 12th, 2010 Days before Carnival broke loose, 20 representatives of from about 14 members of EXARC met for two days in Oerlinghausen (near Bielefeld, Germany), the archaeological open-air museum where EXARC once had its first meeting. This seems like a large group, but when initially all EXARC members were asked if they were interested, no less than 25 had responded...