Calendar of Events

European Textile Forum 2024

Kind of Event
Organised by
Katrin Kania

As our focus topic this year, we have "Edges and Embroideries", so we will explore two things that may not have too much in common at first glance. But if we look closer... there are connections!

The Call for Papers is now open, and we are hoping for papers, presentations, and workshops that look at edges, whether those of clothes, fabrics, or fabric parts, embroideries, and the possible intersections of those two, such as the treatment of cut edges by decorative stitching, or the treatment of the edges of embroidered elements that are applied to another fabric. Presentations can be between 15 and 45 minutes, with workshop time or time for practical exploration afterwards as necessary.  If you have a proposal for a presentation, workshop, experiment, or other project that does not fit into the focus topic, please don't hesitate to contact us about it - there's always some room for "extras" at the Forum.

You can read more about the conference on the website, especially the Call for Papers page, and submit your paper, presentation, or workshop title and abstract through our registration form