EXARC Members Archaeological (Open-Air) Museums

Celtic Harmony Camp, Prehistory Centre and Open Air Museum (UK)

Member of EXARC since

Celtic Harmony Camp is a reconstructed Iron Age settlement and education centre providing natural & cultural heritage education. Hands-on activities and events based on Britain's Celtic culture promote a more sustainable way of life in harmony with the natural world.

Open from

With its thatched roundhouses and native woodland, Celtic Harmony Camp is a place like no other. For over twenty years, children and visitors have been rediscovering the natural world and traditions of life in ancient Britain through creative hands-on activities that engage the imagination and improve wellbeing.  

Our active education programmes, whether on a school day trip or a volunteer day, are designed to bring people together, creating a sense of belonging to our local natural and cultural heritage and building confidence through new skills and the visual results of practical work.

Our dedicated Education team is trained in various primitive skills and lead experiential learning experiences in costume to bring Prehistory to life for visitors of all ages.

These skills include, and are not limited to: flint knapping, friction fire lighting, archery, wattle making, thatching roundhouses, fish trap and basket making, cordage, foraging and pottery.

Annual Number of Visitors