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Interview: A Journey Through Time - Rickard Åkesson, the CEO of Hands on History, a Cultural Heritage Enthusiast 10780
Event Review: Experimental Archaeology in Denmark 2024 10778
Disability, Living history and Experiential Archaeology 10777
Event Review: Vounous 2024 10776
Baking Bread in the Riff Area (Morocco): An Ethnographic Approach to the Study of Iron Age Archaeological Ovens 10775
An Experimental Investigation of Alternative Neolithic Harvesting Tools 10774
The Salme Ship Burials 10773
The Lefkandi-Toumba Building as a Timber-Framed Structure 10772
Does the Addition of Manganese Dioxide Aid in The Production of An Ember when Using Strike-A-Light Technology With Horse Hoof Fungus? A Potential Neanderthal Technology 10771
All Aboard! A re-enactment approach to Victorian Railway Guard’s Clothing 10770
An Ethnoarchaeological Discussion of the Impact of Religion on Architecture in a Remote Iranian Village 10769
Experimental Recreation of a Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) Leather Mat 10768
RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at Batavialand, Lelystad, September 2024 10767
Book Review: Interpreting Science at Museums and Historic Sites by Debra A. Reid (eds) 10766
RETOLD: CIDOC CRM and the Documentation of Buildings and Crafts 10765
Book Review: Experimental Archaeology: Reconstruction of Material Heritage of Lithuania, Volume I by Daiva Luchtaniene (ed) 10764
Event Review: Bronze Casting in Daugailiai, Lithuania 10763
Book Review: "The dream of The Old Town – Memories and reflections from a lifetime as museum director by Thomas Bloch Ravn" by Helle Ingerslev Kristensen 10762
Conference Review: The Future of Experimentation, Lejre, March 2024 10761
Knowing the Drill: Investigating Mesolithic Perforation Technologies Through Experiment, Traceology, and Photogrammetry 10760
An Experimental Exploration of the Earliest Soapmaking 10759
For the Grater, Good: The Value of Informal Experiments for Understanding Bipolar Flaking and Manioc Grater Teeth 10758
Is it Possible to Weave 8.end Satin with 5 Rods on a Warp-weighted Loom? 10757
Approaching Pottery Burnishing through Experimental Firings 10756
Conference Review: EXARC at the EAA, Belfast, September 2023 10755
Nesshenge: an Experimental Neolithic Henge with 15 Years of Exposure 10754
RETOLD: Unlocking the potential of archaeological house reconstructions by standardizing documentation in open-air museums – experiences from the Museumsdorf Düppel in Berlin, Germany 10753
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2023 10752
Hay is for Horses: Making and Using a Traditional-Style Irish Straw Harness 10779
The Production of Roman Metal Screw Threads - Extended Version 10750
An Experimental Approach to Baking Ancient Roman Placenta 10749
RETOLD: Experiences in a Local Museum with Digital Documentation – The Stone Age Park Dithmarschen in Albersdorf (Germany) as a RETOLD Partner 10748
RETOLD: Craft Documentation – as Part of the RETOLD Project 10747
Book Review: Experimental Archaeology: Reconstruction of Material Heritage of Lithuania, Volume II by Daiva Luchtaniene (ed) 10746
Tarquinia’s Tablets: a Reconstruction of Tablet-Weaving Patterns found in the Tomb of the Triclinium 10745
Cross-Contamination via Stone Tool Use: A Pilot Study of Bifacial Butchery Tools 10744
Experimental Approach to Flint Shaft Mining: Understanding the Extraction Process and the Technical Gesture at Casa Montero (Madrid, Spain) 10743
A Scheme of Evolution for Throwing Sticks 10742
Which Type of Archaeological Open-Air Museum? A Classification Proposal 10741
Crossing Borders and Eras: the adventures and experiences of three Romanian Archaeology Students in two European Archaeological Open-Air Museums: preHistorisch Dorp (NL) and Butser Ancient Farm (UK) 10740
Obituary: Andy Kurzweil (16 July 1945 – 13 March 2023) 10739
Conference Review: Ancient shipping and shipbuilding: issues of research, reconstruction and possibilities of use for the development of tourism, Rivne, Ukraine, 2023 10738
Reconstructing the Pyrotechnological Development of the Harappans Using Ethnoarchaeological Parallels in The Region of Ghaggar, India 10737
Experiments on Painting Viking Age Woodwork 10736
RETOLD: Documentation | Digitisation | Sharing 10735
An Experimental Reconstruction of Hair Colours from the Jin and Tang Dynasties (265-907 AD) in China 10734
Time travel – a Great Method to Strengthen Cooperation between Museums and Schools. The Experience of Nationwide Time Travels in Estonia. 10733
The Making of Roman Metal Ink Pen Nibs 10732
Scraping Seal Skins with Mineral Additives 10731
The Butser Ancient Farm Horton Neolithic Building – Its Construction and Significance to the Interpretation of Buildings of Early Neolithic Britain and Ireland 10730
RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), June 2022 10729
Where Two Worlds Meet - Living History and Heritage Locations 10728
Celebrating International Museum Day 2023... Internationally 10727
Conference Review: ACTION! Museums in the Climate Crisis, NEMO 2023 10726
Event Review: Experimental Archaeology in Denmark 2023 10725
Strategy of Presenting Prehistoric Sites Like an Open-air Stand. Why and How and from a Sustainable Development Perspective 10724
“I’m really sorry my wife is not here today. She thinks I’m off my head.” How Open-air Museums can Create Programmes for People Affected by Dementia - Examples from Den Gamle By (DK) 10723
Experimental Archaeology and the Sustainability of Dental Calculus Research: The Case of Chocolate and the Nuns Of S. Maria Della Stella’s Church, Saluzzo, Italy 10722
Can Experimental Archaeology Confirm Ethnographic Evidence? The Case of Aboriginal Boomerangs Used as Retouchers 10721
How were Half-Moons on Shells Made in the Upper Palaeolithic? An Experimental Approach 10720
“Look at the Bones!” - Adding Bone in a Bloomery Iron Smelt 10719
Testing Roman Glass in the Flame 10718
Book Review: Celtiform Pendants of Pre-Columbian Costa Rica: Production, distribution, and experimental replication by Waka Kuboyama-Haraikawa 10717
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2022 10716
Conference Review: Celebrating Ten Years of Experimental Archaeology at the Baltic Experimental Archaeology Summer School in Riga, Latvia 10715
Book Review: Archaeology as Festival: Virtual Wanderings through FestivalCHAT during Covid-19 by Kiddey and Caraher (eds) 10714
Event Review: The Norwegian Forum for Experimental Archaeology 2023 10713
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie – Vergessenen Technologien auf der Spur 10712
RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen, Albersdorf, September 2023 10711
Book Review: Faserwerkstatt by Doris Fischer 10710
Experimental Archaeological Factors of Primary Education in China 10709
Book Review: Natural Leather Tanning by Markus Klek 10708
Metalworking 10707
Sustainable Development Goals 10706
Book Reviews 10705
Garum Sardiniae in Tabula: Rediscovering the Ancient Taste of Roman Cuisine 10704
Event Review: Archaeology Days in Kernave, 2023 10703
Casting a Copper Age Axe Using a Replica of the Marl Mould Found in Baffoni Cave (AN) 10701
Drawing Wire 10702
Experimenting with the Ancient Greek Pottery Production Process from Clay Selection to Firing in a (Re)constructed Updraft Kiln 10700
Book Review: Rethinking Heritage for Sustainable Development by Sophia Labadi 10699
RETOLD: A SWOT Analysis 10698
Book Review: Draft Animals in the Past, Present and Future by Claus Kropp and Lena Zoll (eds) 10696
RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at ASTRA, Sibiu, March 2023 10697
Glass Lamps, a Few Points 10694
Book Review: Fragments of the Bronze Age by Matthew G. Knight 10693
Conference Review: EAC13, Torun, Poland, May 2023 10695
Reconstructing Ötzi’s shoes 10692
Scandinavian Arrowheads of the Viking Age, Their Manufacture and Distribution 10691
Reconstruction of ‘Lattara type’ Housing in a French Archaeosite in Southern France 10690
An Experimental Approach to Tannur Ovens and Bread Making in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula during the Iron Age 10689
The Production of Roman Metal Screw Threads 10688
The Scottish Crannog Centre: Sustainable Thinking through Time and Place 10687
Book Review: Reality or Fiction? 10686
The Rearrangement of the Archaeological Museum of Arcevia: Aiming to Improve Accessibility 10685
Pottery at the Scottish Crannog Centre 10684
Conference Review: Living History and Experimental Archaeology, Ukraine, March 2023 10683
A Hall fit for a King; a Meeting fit for All 10682
RETOLD: Documenting Houses, Sharing the Story with the Visitors 10681
Discussion: Heritage in Times of War - part 2 10680