Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Volunteer to building a replica Neolithic longhouse

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Using authentic tools and traditional techniques, Jersey Heritage volunteers are building a replica Neolithic longhouse at La Hougue Bie. We need more volunteer helpers and the only criteria are to be at least 18 years old, willing to learn and to get your hands dirty… Managed and inspired by ancient technology expert Luke Winter of Historic Concepts Ltd. the volunteers work hard all year round. Like their Neolithic ancestors they’re undeterred by cold, wet or windy weather...

Monterenzio Archaeological Museum and Monte Bibele (IT)

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The organisation covers both the Municipal Archaeological Museum of Monterenzio and the Monte Bibele Area of Archaeological and Natural Interest (L'area archeologico-naturalistica di Monte Bibele). The new museum exhibition, inaugurated in 2015, is dedicated to the archaeological finds of the Idice and Zena valleys, and it shows the culture of Apennine people from Prehistory to Roman Age.

The association "Arc.a Monte Bibele" is managing Monterenzio and Monte Bibele Museum and Archaeological area. The museum exhibition is focused on the reconstruction of two houses...

Swargas - The Historical and Cultural Centre of the Varangian Yard (RU)

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Swargas - Сваргас - The historical and cultural centre of the Viking yard was founded in 2004 and now has four 11th century reconstructed houses like in the Novgorodian, Karelian or East Swedish Viking way.

Swargas - Сваргас - The historical and cultural centre of the Viking yard was founded in 2004 and now has four 11th century reconstructed houses like in the Novgorodian, Karelian or East Swedish Viking way.

Archeoparc Liptovia (SK)

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Civic organisation Archeopark Liptovia is a voluntary organization associating people with an interest in presentation, protection, research and education in historical, cultural, folklore, national and natural heritage of Slovakia and Liptov region.

Archeopark Liptovia is a unique project of living ancient village consisting of a complex of prehistoric buildings, which is documenting the settlement of Slovakia from the Stone Age to the Great Migration period.

Castrum Corcagiensis - Roman Experimental Archaeology in Ireland

Martin McAree 1
Publication Date
Barrack blocks were a central feature in any Roman fort and functioned as the living spaces for a Century and its officers. While Roman forts varied in size from just over an acre for a simple ‘numerius’ fort, to over 55 acers for some large ‘legionary’ forts such as Deva (Chester), the layout of a barrack block...

Steinzeitdorf Kussow (DE)

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The Stone Age Village at Kussow exists of several huts and houses with North German excavations of the late Mesolithic and early Neolithic period as source.

There is a model of a long grave, a garden with old types of plants as well as an area with old breeds of animals. Finally, there is an exhibition of copies of Mesolithic and Neolithic tools. The museum runs a program of experimental and experiential archaeology combined with living history. Tourists can do activities such as weaving, pottery, shooting bow and arrow as well as shooting with the atlatl.
School programmes start with a video and a tour through the Stone Age village, following by aforementioned activities.

Sainte-Marie among the Hurons (CA)

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Sainte-Marie among the Hurons was a French Jesuit settlement in Wendake, the land of the Wendat, near modern Midland, Ontario, from 1639 to 1649. It was the first European settlement in Ontario. Sainte-Marie became the Jesuit headquarters in Huronia but when the mission was deserted in 1649, the remaining missionaries burnt it to the ground.

Starting in 1964, Sainte-Marie was reconstructed as a historical site and living museum. All of the buildings and their contents are reproductions. A popular tourist attraction, it draws thousands of visitors each week during the summer months. The site is managed by Huronia Historical Parks, an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture.

L’Anse aux Meadows (CA)

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At the tip of Newfoundland’s Great Northern Peninsula lies the first known evidence of European presence in the Americas. In 1960, George Decker, a citizen of the small fishing hamlet of L'Anse aux Meadows, led Helge Ingstad to a group of mounds near the village that the locals called the "old Indian camp".

Helge Ingstad and Anne Stine Ingstad carried out seven archaeological excavations there from 1961 to 1968. L'Anse aux Meadows is currently the only confirmed Norse site in North America. Eventually it became a federal site and now it is part of the Parks Canada Agency family of National Historic sites, National Parks, and Marine Conservation Areas. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978.

Heritage Park Historical Village (CA)

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Heritage Park Historical Village is a historical park in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. As Canada's largest living history museum, it is one of the city's most visited tourist attractions.

Exhibits span Western Canadian history from the 1860s to the 1950s. You will see Western Canada's iconic past not only preserved, but also presented alive and in great working condition. Many of the buildings are historical and were transported to the park to be placed on display, including the 1913 Little Synagogue on the Prairie from Sibbald, Alberta. Others are re-creations of actual buildings. Most of the structures are furnished and decorated with genuine artefacts. Staff dress in historic costume, and antique automobiles and horse-drawn vehicles service the site.

Fortress Louisbourg (CA)

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The Fortress of Louisbourg is the largest reconstruction project in North America. The original settlement was founded in 1713 by the French and developed over several decades into a thriving center for fishing and trade.

Fortified against the threat of British invasion during the turbulent time of empire-building, Louisbourg was besieged twice before finally being destroyed in the 1760s. Its two sieges, especially that of 1758, were turning points in the Anglo-French struggle for what today is Canada. The site lay untouched until well into modern times, when archaeologists began to reconstruct the fortress as it was in the 18th century.