

EAS is the Swiss platform for the promotion of experimental archaeology across all eras and disciplines. With activities, she unites the scientific experiment, the cultural mediation, as well as the production of replicas.

EAS is the Swiss platform for the promotion of experimental archaeology across all eras and disciplines. With activities, she unites the scientific experiment, the cultural mediation, as well as the production of replicas. At the same time....

Parco Archeologico Didattico del Livelet (IT)

Member of EXARC

Parco Archeologico didattico del Livelet is an open-air museum based on the western shore of Lago lake, in the municipality of Revine Lago, province of Treviso. The area is located in a glacial valley at the foothills of the Pre-Alps (225m a.s.l.), surrounded by a rich naturalistic environment, Site of Community Importance (S.I.C.) for Natura 2000 and included in the recent naturalistic park “Parco dei Laghi della Vallata”.

Parco Archeologico didattico del Livelet is an open-air museum based on the western shore of Lago lake, in the municipality of Revine Lago, province of Treviso. The area is...

Bäckedals Folkhögskola (SE)

Member of EXARC

Bäckedal is a Folk High School / independent adult education college with courses in ancient technology and traditional knowledge. The school is independent concerning religion, party politics and the business-world and the education is funded by the Swedish state.

Bäckedal is a Folk High School / independent adult education college with courses in ancient technology and traditional knowledge. The school is independent concerning religion, party politics and the business-world and the education is funded by the Swedish state...

ArcheoParc Schnalstal / ArcheoParc Val Senales (IT)

Member of EXARC

The tragedy or what might have happened ... A man is fleeing up a mountainside, his pursuers hard on his heels. He flinches. A flint arrowhead had just pierced his left shoulder blade and penetrated deeply into the flesh.

The tragedy or what might have happened ... A man is fleeing up a mountainside, his pursuers hard on his heels. He flinches. A flint arrowhead had just pierced his left shoulder blade and penetrated deeply into the flesh...

Archeon (NL)

Member of EXARC

After 15 years of preparation, 1994 the first Dutch archaeological theme park opened in Alphen aan den Rijn, not far from The Hague, Utrecht and Amsterdam, an area which houses 6 million inhabitants. Archeon covers 10,000 years of human development in the Netherlands. From hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and farmers in the Bronze and Iron Ages, through the Roman period and right up to everyday life in 1340 AD, “Archaeo-interpreters” show what life was like in “their time” in the 43 reconstructed buildings

Founded in 1994, Archeon covers 10,000 years of human development in the Netherlands. From hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and farmers in the Bronze and Iron Ages, through the Roman period and right up to everyday life in 1340 AD, “Archaeo-interpreters” show what life was...

Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (DE)

Member of EXARC

Southeast of Bielefeld near the Teutoburger Forrest, one finds the Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (AFM), originally founded by the “Reichsverband für Deutsche Vorgeschichte” as a political presentation of the Germanic people. The combination of man, nature and technique is made tangible and understandable here.

Southeast of Bielefeld near the Teutoburger Forrest, one finds the Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (AFM), originally founded by the “Reichsverband für Deutsche Vorgeschichte” as a political presentation of...

Le Village Gaulois (MEEM) (FR)

Member of EXARC

The “Village Gaulois (MEEM)” serves humanitarian purposes. It is managed by the MEEM association and allocates each year 60% of its benefit of July and August to development aid’s actions in favour of the rural populations of the north of the Togo. In 1967, the war in Biafra, Nigeria upsets a teenager who pledges to help when adult.

The “Village Gaulois (MEEM)” serves humanitarian purposes. It is managed by the MEEM association and allocates each year 60% of its benefit of July and August to development aid’s actions in favour of the rural populations of the north of the Togo. In 1967, the war in Biafra, Nigeria upsets a teenager who pledges to help when adult...

Le Paléolab, Centre d’initiation à l’archéologie et à la préhistoire (FR)

Member of EXARC

The association Friends of Baux was founded in 1920 at Les Baux de Pce. Goals are among others to protect cultural heritage, raise awareness, get people interested in archaeology and in prehistoric skills. In 1996, the Paléolab, was founded, centre for introduction into archaeology and prehistory.

The association Friends of Baux was founded in 1920 at Les Baux de Pce. Goals are among others to protect cultural heritage, raise awareness, get people interested in archaeology and in prehistoric skills...

Village de Cambous (FR)

Member of EXARC

At Cambous, the Societé Languedocienne de Préhistoire manages a reconstructed Chalcolithic house with stone walls and stone roof. At this site, discovered in 1967, large excavations took place, uncovering Neolithic and Chalcolithic dwellings in what is called one of the oldest villages of France.

At Cambous, the Societé Languedocienne de Préhistoire manages a reconstructed Chalcolithic house with stone walls and stone roof. At this site, discovered in 1967, large excavations took place, uncovering Neolithic and Chalcolithic dwellings in what is called one of the oldest villages of France...