Iron Age

Museum on Water ”Bay of the Bones” (MK)

Member of EXARC

An interesting lake dwelling reconstruction museum can be found at Ohrid Lake, one of the oldest and deepest lakes of Europe, at the border between Macedonia and Albania. This area has attracted tourists for centuries. The Museum on Water is still under expansion and should count about 16 dwellings later on.

An interesting lake dwelling reconstruction museum can be found at Ohrid Lake, one of the oldest and deepest lakes of Europe, at the border between Macedonia and Albania. This area has attracted tourists for centuries. The Museum on Water is still under expansion and...

Arheoparc USAIC (RO)

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“An Ancient Space Within the Contemporary Frame of Mind (Bragadiru, Ilfov)” started in September 2008, as a students’ initiative under the scientific guidance of Alexandru Vulpe (Head of the Archaeological Institute of Bucharest „Vasile Parvan” – Romanian Academy).

“An Ancient Space Within the Contemporary Frame of Mind (Bragadiru, Ilfov)” started in September 2008, as a students’ initiative under the scientific guidance of Alexandru Vulpe (Head of the Archaeological Institute of Bucharest „Vasile Parvan” – Romanian Academy)...

Hornbore By (SE)

Member of EXARC

Hornbore by (Hornbore Village) was founded in 1997 and consists of a historically inspired visitor centre with reconstructed Viking houses as an attempt to recreate a smaller trading site from the Viking Age. Although a trading area has not been found here (yet), the geographic location is perfect for it, the water and a cemetery of the period nearby.

Hornbore by (Hornbore Village) was founded in 1997 and consists of a historically inspired visitor centre with reconstructed Viking houses as an attempt to recreate a smaller trading site from the Viking Age. Although a trading area has not been found here (yet), the geographic location is perfect for it, the water and a cemetery of the period nearby...

Funkenburg Westgreußen (DE)

Member of EXARC

Excavations from 1974 to 1980 revealed a Germanic stronghold at a specific point in the Helbe Valley. It was inhabited between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. 60 Houses or huts and 500 pits were uncovered. The largest house measured 8 x 12 metres. Ceramic finds point to the east but contacts with Romans and Celts are also ascertained. Cultic human sacrifices and cannibalism are presumed.

Excavations from 1974 to 1980 revealed a Germanic stronghold at a specific point in the Helbe Valley. It was inhabited between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. 60 Houses or huts and 500 pits were uncovered...

Keltisches Gehöft Stöffling (DE)

Member of EXARC

Seebruck has a Roman Museum showing finds of Bedaium, which used to be situated here, on the road between Salzburg and Augsburg. This show case museum offers events every now and then with living history. Around the museum, a 27 km long route connects locations of historical and archaeological interest.

Seebruck has a Roman Museum showing finds of Bedaium, which used to be situated here, on the road between Salzburg and Augsburg. This show case museum offers events every now and then with living history. Around the museum, a 27 km long route connects locations of historical and archaeological interest...

Erlebnisdorf Alcmona (DE)

Member of EXARC

Between Kelheim and Dietfurt, you will find the Archaeology Park Altmühltal (APA). While preparing for the construction of the Main-Donau channel, over the years 1976-1991 the lower valley was intensively researched on archaeological remains. The fascinating finds can now be found in three nearby archaeological museums.

Between Kelheim and Dietfurt, you will find the Archaeology Park Altmühltal (APA). While preparing for the construction of the Main-Donau channel, over the years 1976-1991 the lower valley was intensively researched on archaeological remains. The fascinating finds can now be found in three nearby archaeological museums...

Sommelo (FI)

Member of EXARC

At the Pukkisaari Island, an ancient trading post like it could have been like 1,000 years ago was built in 1998. It contains some dwellings, a market place and craft workshops. The development from open trade site without houses up to the founding of cities is explained here.

At the Pukkisaari Island, an ancient trading post like it could have been like 1,000 years ago was built in 1998. It contains some dwellings, a market place and craft workshops. The development from open trade site without houses up to the founding of cities is explained here...

Keltendorf am Steinerbichl (ZE) (AT)

Member of EXARC

In 1962, when the main water line of Uttendorf was being moved, a field with Hallstatt graves was discovered and researched by the University of Salzburg soon followed by traces of a settlement at Steinerbichl.

In 1962, when the main water line of Uttendorf was being moved, a field with Hallstatt graves was discovered and researched by the University of Salzburg soon followed by traces of a settlement at Steinerbichl...

Hallstattzeitliches Gehöft am Burgstallkogel (AT)

Member of EXARC

2003 and 2004, the Hallstatt Museum Großklein in the Steiermark and the municipality Großklein in cooperation with the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS) built a series of experimental archaeological house (re)constructions.

2003 and 2004, the Hallstatt Museum Großklein in the Steiermark and the municipality Großklein in cooperation with the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS) built a series of experimental archaeological house (re)constructions...