Iron Age

Book Review: Glossary of Prehistoric and Historic Timber Buildings by Lutz Volmer and W. Haio Zimmermann (ed.)

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The 1987 conference in Århus, Denmark on ESF Workshop on the reconstruction of wooden buildings from the prehistoric and early historic period has been important to EXARC as we have acquired, and are gradually publishing, the manuscripts of the unpublished proceedings....

Book Review: Fish Leather Tanning and Sewing by Lotta Rahme and Dag Hartman

Danny Honig 1
Publication Date
Judging from the extensive bibliography in this book, little to no literature exists on fish leather tanning in English. A quick Google and Amazon search reveals that a good general book on leather tanning includes at least one chapter on fish, reptile and other "alternative" skins...

Eva Lamina PhD

Member of EXARC since
Crafts & Skills

I'm professional archaeologist, graduated from Novosibirsk State University in History/Archaeology. Received PhD in History, had more than 8 years of post-doctoral research in archaeology with the focus on Bronze Age ceramics.

Discussion: Food - Reconstruction and the Public

Thit Birk Petersen 1 ✉,
Aidan O’Sullivan 2,
John Majerle 3,
Gary Ball 4,
Edwin Deady 5,
Torsten Neuer 6,
Miika Vanhapiha 7,
Darell Markewitz 8,
Olaf Trollheimsfjord 9,
Vicky Shearman 10,
Del Elson 11,
Daniel Serra 12
Publication Date
For a BBC program in 1954, Sir Mortimer Wheeler tasted a reconstruction of the Tollund Man’s last supper, which turned out to be a tasteless mush. This led him to announce: "I believe that the poor chap of Tollund committed suicide because he could stand his...

Eva IJsveld

Member of EXARC since
the Netherlands
Crafts & Skills

I am teaching Textile & Costume history at Academies in Amsterdam. I am working since 1994 in reconstructing artifacts, clothing and ancient textile technics with special interest in the Mesolithic period.

Aspects on Realizing House Reconstructions: a Scandinavian Perspective

Ulf Näsman 1
Publication Date

Using examples from the Scandinavian Iron Age and Viking Age, problems in realising house reconstructions are discussed here, including the deskwork necessary as part of the preparations. My own experiences in this field include participation in the 1966-1973 excavations of the settlement fort at Eketorp (Öland, Sweden) and the subsequent partial reconstruction of the fort. The second settlement phase, of interest here, is dated from the fifth to early seventh centuries AD (Borg et al. 1976).

A Picenian Warrior Who Lived in the Eight Century BC: A Hypothetical Reconstruction

Mauro Fiorentini 1
Publication Date

Various populations inhabited this territory from the tenth to the early third century BC, when the Roman army took control of it: the Laziali and Sabini in Lazio, the Etruscans and, from the fifth century, Celts in Toscana and Emilia Romagna, Umbri in Umbria and Picenians in Marche and Abruzzo. At the beginning of the Iron Age, and until the eighth century, we have evidence of other populations as well. The most ancient group being the Sub-Apenninical culture, which were Villanova and Proto-Villanovan populations that seem to have had towns in the Region Marche.

Fire and Bone: An Experimental Study of Cremation

Christophe Snoeck 1 ✉,
R. J. Schulting 1
Publication Date
7th UK EA Conference Cardiff 2013
***Many bone fragments have been burned in controlled laboratory conditions but few have been burned on outdoor pyres. In order to study and understand cremated bone, it is crucial to conduct experiments in real environmental conditions. In this study several cremations were carried out outdoors...