Unreviewed Mixed Matters Articles

Book Review: Geschichtstheater. Formen der "Living History" by Wolfgang Hochbruck

Ibrahim Karabed 1
Publication Date
The dramatisation of history is ubiquitous in our postmodern everyday life: historical novels (as well as their TV adaptations, netting huge audience figures), documentaries, and stylistic references and citations evoking the past in fashion and architecture...

Book Review: From Rome to Las Vegas. Reconstructions of Ancient Roman Architecture by Anita Rieche

Wulf Hein 1
Publication Date
For more than 200 years ancient buildings have been reconstructed. Reasons for the reconstruction of Roman architecture in particular are many. People enjoy being surrounded by fully realised reconstructions of ancient ruins where they can be taught in a manner reflecting a museum-like academic rigour...

Event Review: Daily Life and Feasting in the Neolithic: Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Experience in Experimental Archaeology at the Steinzeitdorf Albersdorf

Tosca Friedrich 1,
Birte Meller 1,
Rüdiger Kelm 2
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***During summer 2014, just over 30 students from Archaeological Studies at the University of Hamburg, as well as four children, participated in a practical week of experimental archaeology at the Steinzeitdorf Albersdorf. In preparation for this week, the students attended a seminar at the University of Hamburg...

Looking Back

Björn M. Buttler Jakobsen 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***Over 25 years I have actively worked with knowledge dissemination and bringing history alive. From this experience I have concluded that it has been among the most fantastic developments since museums first started...

Kierikki Stone Age Centre – The Advantages of Being an OpenArch Funded Project

Leena Lehtinen 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***Compared to other European countries, the number of Finnish archaeological open-air museums is limited. Currently, Kierikki and Saarijärvi Stone Age villages are the only two open-air museums under the care of professional museums. Both villages specialise in the Stone Age period (Kierriki 2015; Saarijärvi 2015)...

Event Review: a “Mesolithic Living” Project

Rüdiger Kelm 1
Publication Date
From the 27 July to the 6 September 2015 the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen (Archaeological-Ecological Centre Albersdorf, AÖZA) organised a Mesolithic living history experiment in its newly constructed ‘Mesolithic Settlement’ finished last year. The experiment sought to investigate, through careful reconstruction, how people may have carried out their daily lives in the Mesolithic period...

Conference Review: Archaeological Reconstructions and Tourism, Mistelbach (AT)

Milica Tapavički-Ilić 1
Maura Stefani 2,
Claus Detreköy 3
Publication Date
EXARC and Urgeschichtemuseum MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya joined forces to organise an international conference from the 25th to 27th of September 2015, held in Mistelbach, near Vienna focusing on Archaeological Reconstructions and Tourism...

Event Review: Terra Ibèrica Festival in Calafell: a Backward Glance Through the Years (2010-2014)

Manel Gómez Gutiérrez 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***Terra Ibèrica [Iberian Land], the biggest event held at La Ciutadella Ibèrica of Calafell (Tarragona, Spain), is one of the highlights in the calendar of activities of this Iron Age reconstructed archaeological site...

Interview: "The Small Things Paint the Big Picture" with Harm Paulsen

Wulf Hein 1
Publication Date
I meet Harm Paulsen (70), the best known and longest working experimental archaeologist in Germany, in his apartment in Schleswig. Although the rooms aren't small, it is only possible to move around by holding in your belly and not breathing, as everywhere, standing, hanging or lying around, is evidence of Harm's professional and private life – a clear line between the two is not visible...