Unreviewed Mixed Matters Articles

The Best Way of Preserving Something is to Educate about it - Educational Centres in South Africa

Frauke Sontberg 1
Publication Date
This article aims to show the kind of issues South- African archaeologists have, working with public archaeology. A past that was segregated earlier should now be shared, but sharing a common past includes alternative perspectives on history and archaeology, for the archaeologist as well as for the public.

Interview: “I have never Done an Experiment in my Whole Life!” with Mamoun Fansa

Katrin Pres 1
Publication Date
For almost 25 years, Mamoun Fansa has been one of the defining personalities within the discipline of experimental archaeology. In 1990, he introduced his exhibition `Experimental Archaeology in Germany’. The exposition continued to circulate all over Germany and Europe for the next 14 years...

Conference Review: The Metalworker and his Tools: QUB Belfast Conference

E. Giovanna Fregni 1
Publication Date
A recent conference, funded partially by UISPP, was held in Queens University Belfast. While its main focus was on Bronze Age metalsmithing tools and assemblages, the MeTools conference (23-25 June at Queen’s University, Belfast) had several presentations that focussed on experimental archaeology as a means of exploring metalworking craft...

Discussion: Working with Knives in Archaeological Open-Air Museums

Sally Pointer 1 ✉,
Aidan O'Sullivan 2,
Lasse van den Dikkenberg 3,
Roeland Paardekooper 4,
David Freeman 5,
Renate Greiner 6,
Pascale Barnes 7,
Håkan Lindström 8,
Katy Whitaker 9,
Luke Winter 10,
Antonis Vlavogilakis 11,
Bill Schindler 12,13
Publication Date
This is an extract from a lengthy and lively Facebook discussion in the Archaeological Open Air Museums group, started on the 5th of February 2016 by Roeland Paardekooper, at that time in the...

Book Review: Zurück zu unserem Cheruskerhof! by Sylvia Crumbach

Martijn Eickhoff 1
Publication Date
Experimental archaeology in its various manifestations is a transnational historical practice that, for almost one and a half centuries, has managed to fascinate both academic practitioners and laypeople. Although it has many ideological connections – ranging from anti-modernism, nationalism, the life-reform movement, racism, National Socialism...

Conference Review: European Textile Forum 2015

Heather Hopkins 1
Publication Date
The European Textile Forum (Textilforum) was held between the 2nd and 9th November 2015, at the Laboratory for Experimental Archaeology (LEA) in Mayen, Germany. LEA kindly hosted the European Textile Forum as part of their inaugural event in 2012 and since then the Director Michael Herdick has invited the conference to return annually...

Book Review: Egyptology in the Present: Experiential and Experimental Methods in Archaeology by C. Graves-Brown (Ed)

Stephanie J. Harris 1
Publication Date
The eye-catching and colourful cover illustration of the Egyptian creator-God Ptah, fully-equipped with modern toolkit, promises an informative journey into experiential and experimental archaeology in Egyptology...