Hut 1 of Tornambé, Pietraperzia: an Experimental Project for Prehistoric Sicily Studies
Introduction and goals
The goal of this project, started in 2012, was to reconstruct a Bronze Age hut using techniques, methods, and raw materials consistent with the knowledge acquired during the excavation of Tornambè site (Pietraperzia, Enna), and from other known Sicilian and Southern Italian archaeological contexts.
An Energy Saving House from 3400 Years Ago
Book Review: From Rome to Las Vegas. Reconstructions of Ancient Roman Architecture by Anita Rieche
Experience with Building Mesolithic Huts in the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen in 2014
***Two new huts in the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen in Albersdorf (Germany) were built in spring 2014 by the Experimental Archaeologist and Educator Werner Pfeifer with the support of some friends and with financial support from the Stone Age Park Dihmarschen and the EU co-financed project OpenArch.
Conference Review: Was it all worth it? Archaeological Reconstructions Between Science and Event
A rebuilding of a destroyed structure based on available evidence to show how the original might have looked. Also: (re)construction