Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Veien Kulturminnepark (NO)

Member of EXARC

Veien Kulturminnepark contains one of Eastern Norway’s largest burial grounds from the Early Iron Age, a reconstructed longhouse and a modern museum. Excavations uncovered traces of four longhouses dated to the Early Iron Age.

Veien Kulturminnepark contains one of Eastern Norway’s largest burial grounds from the Early Iron Age, a reconstructed longhouse and a modern museum. Excavations uncovered traces of four longhouses dated to the Early Iron Age...

Arqueopinto (ES)

Member of EXARC

Arqueopinto is an area of two hectares of land located south of the city of Madrid. It is municipally owned and managed by the Paleorama Company. Visitors come from all over Spain, though mainly from the central area. It has a clear school and family vocation although there are also courses for adults on prehistoric technology (ceramic, lithic knapping, basketry, etc.).

Arqueopinto is an area of two hectares of land located south of the city of Madrid. It is municipally owned and managed by the Paleorama Company. Visitors come from all over Spain, though mainly from the central area. ...

Archaeological Open-Air Museums in the Netherlands, a Bit of History

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
This article is a result of my interest in, and experience with, archaeological open-air museums. With the start of HOME Eindhoven in 1982, I became actively involved in these museums and I was one of the people involved from the first moment in EXARC. From 2005 onward, I have been conducting postgraduate research at the University of Exeter into archaeological open-air museums...

Ancient Technology Centre (ATC) (UK)

Member of EXARC

The Goal of the Ancient Technology Centre is to engage people of all ages in the daily life of our ancestors and to increase their understanding of the skills, resources and strategies available to them.

The Goal of the Ancient Technology Centre is to engage people of all ages in the daily life of our ancestors and to increase their understanding of the skills, resources and strategies available to them...

Arheoloski Institut (RS)

Member of EXARC

The Arheološki Institut in Belgrade (the National Archaeological Institute) is performing archaeological research since 1947. They have research programmes, publish in a variety of ways, do public archaeology and reconstruct buildings.
Viminacium is an ancient Roman site on the right bank of the Danube in eastern Serbia. In an area of about 450 ha are the remains of a military camp, a city and cemeteries. Remains of a Roman bath, a mausoleum and one of the gates of the military camp can be seen, as well as a replica of a Roman villa.

Viminacium is an ancient Roman site on the right bank of the Danube in eastern Serbia. In an area of about 450 ha are the remains of a military camp, a city and cemeteries. Remains of a Roman bath, a mausoleum and one of the gates of the military camp can be seen, as well as a replica of...

Butser Ancient Farm

Maureen Page 1
Publication Date

Nestled among the rolling hills of the South Downs National Park, Butser Ancient Farm in Chalton has been an archaeological research site since 1972. The farm was originally set up on Little Butser, a spur of Butser Hill. It was established with support from the Council for British Archaeology...

Wikinger Museum Haithabu (DE)

Member of EXARC

The (re)construction of the Viking houses at Haithabu is based on the results of over 100 years of research at this site. The conservation of organic material allows detailed conclusions about the looks of the houses back then.

The (re)construction of the Viking houses at Haithabu is based on the results of over 100 years of research at this site. The conservation of organic material allows detailed conclusions about the looks of the houses back then...

Parco Archeologico Villaggio Neolitico di Travo (IT)

Member of EXARC

Travo’s Park, with its Neolithic archaeological site and full-scale reconstructed prehistoric dwellings, lies in the beautiful scenario of the Trebbia Valley, testifying to how this corner of northern Italy connecting Piacenza to Genoa has been continuously populated from the 5th millennium to present.

Travo’s Park, with its Neolithic archaeological site and full-scale reconstructed prehistoric dwellings, lies in the beautiful scenario of the Trebbia Valley, testifying to how this corner of northern Italy connecting Piacenza to...

Römerkastell Saalburg Archäologischer Park (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Saalburg Roman Fort Archaeological Park is an in situ reconstruction of a Roman Fort from the 2nd century AD. It is part of the decentralised county museum of the County of Hessen and a research institute. Since 2006 it has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Upper German-Raetian Limes.

The Saalburg Roman Fort Archaeological Park is an in situ reconstruction of a Roman Fort from the 2nd century AD. It is part of the decentralised county museum of the County of Hessen and a research institute. Since 2006 it has been...