Archaeological Open-Air Museum

West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village (UK)

Member of EXARC

An Anglo-Saxon cemetery was discovered close to the site in 1847 as a result of gravel extraction, and since then a number of antiquarians have investigated and treasure-hunted small parts of the hill on which the settlement is situated. The site was destined to become a rubbish tip for Bury St. Edmunds and aggregates were also still being extracted, so the Ministry of Works agreed to fund the excavations, the bulk of which took place between 1965 and 1972 by Stanley West.

An Anglo-Saxon cemetery was discovered close to the site in 1847 as a result of gravel extraction, and since then a number of antiquarians have investigated and treasure-hunted small parts of the hill on which the settlement is situated...

Geschichtserlebnisraum (DE)

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The “Geschichtserlebnisraum Lübeck, Bauspielplatz Roter Hahn e.V.” started as an adventure playground in 1999. The aim is to use the site for open youth work (including non-historical activities), offering historical education. The focus is on the easy approach for children and adolescents to all of our activities.

The “Geschichtserlebnisraum Lübeck, Bauspielplatz Roter Hahn e.V.” started as an adventure playground in 1999. The aim is to use the site for open youth work (including non-historical activities), offering historical education...

Curia Vitkov (CZ)

Member of EXARC

Open-air museum Curia Vitkov is run by an association of about 20 volunteers. The site of 2 hectares consists of a crafts village with 3 houses and 2 other constructions. Besides, there is the central Curia consisting of 6 dwellings and two other houses, two tower gates and a palisade, and lately a two-storey nobleman’s house with “black kitchen” and a medieval tiled stove. Into future, we plan for a stone-built Romanesque church which should complete the typical court. All buildings present varying timbering and roofing techniques, following typical construction patterns of the period according to the type of settlement. The area is not based on single excavations.

Curia Vitkov is run by an association of about 20 volunteers. The area of 2 hectares exists of a crafts village with 3 houses and 4 other constructions (e.g. forgery, shed with baking oven). Besides that, there is the Curia which exists of a nobleman’s house, 2 tower gates and palisade and...

Museo delle Palafitte del Lago di Ledro (IT)

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"Life like it was 4.000 years ago". The Museo delle palafitte del lago di Ledro, dating to 1960, is one of the territorial branches of the Natural Science Museum of Trento, under direction of Dott. Michele Lanzinger. The Museum presents the prehistory from Eneolithic till middle Bronze Age based on own excavations on site. It has an indoor exposition, a park with 4 reconstructed houses and the Ledrolab for education purposes.

"Life like it was 4.000 years ago". The Museo delle palafitte del lago di Ledro, dating to 1960, is one of the territorial branches of the Natural Science Museum of Trento, under direction of Dott. Michele Lanzinger. The Museum presents the prehistory from Eneolithic till middle Bronze Age...

Genesmons Arkeologiska Friluftsmuseum (SE)

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At Genesmon, the University of Umeå conducted archaeological research from 1977 to 1988. Here burial mounds and a settlement of the Early Iron Age were uncovered. Traces of iron processing were recognised as well as bronze casting refuse - some containing remains from gilding - and a textile workshop.

At Genesmon, the University of Umeå conducted archaeological research from 1977 to 1988. Here burial mounds and a settlement of the Early Iron Age were uncovered. Traces of iron processing were recognised as well as bronze casting refuse - some containing remains from gilding - and a textile workshop...

Oldenburger Wallmuseum (DE)

Member of EXARC

At the Oldenburger Wallmuseum the visitors can discover three thematic parts: a typical Ostholstein tenant farm, the Slavonic period in the 10th century and the St. Johannis Toten- und Schützengilde from 1192.

At the Oldenburger Wallmuseum the visitors can discover three thematic parts: a typical Ostholstein tenant farm, the Slavonic period in the 10th century and the St. Johannis Toten- und Schützengilde from 1192...

Federseemuseum (DE)

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Federsee is situated about 100 kilometres south of Stuttgart and 60 kilometres north of Lake Constance. This small lake is the remains of a large basin which slowly turned into land over the past 14,000 years. The peat area covers about 33 square kilometres. The village Bad Buchau has for a long while been a spa.

Federsee is situated about 100 kilometres south of Stuttgart and 60 kilometres north of Lake Constance. This small lake is the remains of a large basin which slowly turned into land over the past 14,000 years. The peat area covers about 33 square kilometres...

Viking Museum Trelleborgen (SE)

Member of EXARC

In 1988, an archaeological find was discovered which added a chapter to the history of the city of Trelleborg. At the highest point of the city, one found traces of a ring wall dating back to the Viking Age.

In 1988, an archaeological find was discovered which added a chapter to the history of the city of Trelleborg. At the highest point of the city, one found traces of a ring wall dating back to the Viking Age....

Vikingatider (SE)

Member of EXARC

The Löddeköpinge region is strategically located close to both Malmö and Copenhagen. It is in the middle of the attractive Öresund Region, one of Europe’s most innovative and multi-cultural environments and within an hour’s reach for some 20 million people. This area is full of finds from especially the Viking age - this needs to be made visible for a larger audience.

The Löddeköpinge region is strategically located close to both Malmö and Copenhagen. It is in the middle of the attractive Öresund Region, one of Europe’s most innovative and multi-cultural environments and within an hour’s reach for some 20 million people...

Avalon Archaeology (UK)

Member of EXARC

The South West Heritage Trust conducts a wide range of experimental and experiential archaeological work. Much of this has taken place at the Avalon Archaeology Park, but other projects have also taken place on nearby nature reserves.

The South West Heritage Trust conducts a wide range of experimental and experiential archaeological work. Much of this has taken place at the Avalon Marshes Centre Archaeology Park, but other projects have also taken place on nearby nature reserves...