Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Araisi Ezerpils Archaeological Park (LV)

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At Āraiši Ezerpils Archaeological Park you can discover and explore dwellings from Stone Age to Middle Ages. There are reconstructions of Stone Age huts and a Bronze Age building that are built according to research data from excavations in Latvia and North-Eastern Europe. The main object in is the reconstruction of a Viking Age lake settlement in its original location – on a small island in Lake Āraiši. Right next to the reconstruction, there are original Medieval castle ruins built by the Teutonic Order in the 14th century.

At Āraiši Ezerpils Archaeological Park you can discover and explore dwellings from Stone Age to Middle Ages. There are reconstructions of Stone Age huts and a Bronze Age building that are built according to research data from excavations in Latvia and North-Eastern Europe....

Prehistorisch Dorp (NL)

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The preHistorisch Dorp in Eindhoven is the replica of a prehistoric village, complete with dwellings and demonstrations of skills used by historic people. The open-air museum recreates life from this and later eras, including Roman and early medieval. Find out how the Romans lived, meet militant Batavians, visit farmers from the Iron Age and go on a hunt in the prehistoric times.

1981, in Eindhoven, a group of teachers got the idea of reconstructing a farm where children would be taught in prehistoric themes. “Learning by doing by yourself” was the starting point. Since that moment, it has developed into an archaeological open-air museum of 2 hectares with...

Avaldsnes Norges eldste kongesete (NO)

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Avaldsnes is called the Norway’s oldest royal seat because King Harald Fairhair made this place his royal residence after he had unified Norway ca. 870 AD. Avaldsnes continued to be a royal residence for almost 500 years.

Avaldsnes is called the Norway’s oldest royal seat because King Harald Fairhair made this place his royal residence after he had unified Norway ca. 870 AD. Avaldsnes continued to be a royal residence for almost 500 years....

Parco Archeologico Didattico del Livelet (IT)

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Parco Archeologico didattico del Livelet is an open-air museum based on the western shore of Lago lake, in the municipality of Revine Lago, province of Treviso. The area is located in a glacial valley at the foothills of the Pre-Alps (225m a.s.l.), surrounded by a rich naturalistic environment, Site of Community Importance (S.I.C.) for Natura 2000 and included in the recent naturalistic park “Parco dei Laghi della Vallata”.

Parco Archeologico didattico del Livelet is an open-air museum based on the western shore of Lago lake, in the municipality of Revine Lago, province of Treviso. The area is...

La Ciutadella Ibérica de Calafell (ES)

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The Iberian Citadel of Calafell is a centre of experimental archaeology, an archaeological open-air museum where visitors can see what life was like in the Iron Age 2,500 years ago. It is the first archaeological site in the Iberian Peninsula to have been reconstructed by using experimental archaeological techniques.

The Iberian Citadel of Calafell is a centre of experimental archaeology, an archaeological open-air museum where visitors can see what life was like in the Iron Age 2,500 years ago. It is the first archaeological site in the Iberian Peninsula to have been reconstructed by...

Butser Ancient Farm (UK)

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Butser Ancient Farm is situated in the South East of England, approximately 50 miles to the south of London. The concept of replicating an ancient farm began life in 1970 as a research project developed by the Council for British Archaeology and the Research Committee on Ancient Agriculture from the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Butser Ancient Farm is situated in the South East of England, approximately 50 miles to the south of London. The concept of replicating an ancient farm began life in 1970 as a research project developed by the Council for British Archaeology and the Research Committee on Ancient Agriculture from the British Association for the Advancement of Science...

Bachritterburg Kanzach (DE)

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Kanzach is a small village north of the Federsee in Southern Germany, counting about 500 inhabitants. In the years 2000-2004, a LEADER+ EU project was taking place here, resulting in a tourist attraction at the country side: a reconstruction of a small stronghold of the lower nobility as it could have been in the 14th century.

The village’s own original “Bachritterburg” has not been excavated, therefore, main sources came from the region. It has cost about 2 million Euro to build the wooden tower and adjacent buildings, but the museum has attracted many more visitors than planned. However, getting the finances for...

ArcheoParc Schnalstal / ArcheoParc Val Senales (IT)

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The tragedy or what might have happened ... A man is fleeing up a mountainside, his pursuers hard on his heels. He flinches. A flint arrowhead had just pierced his left shoulder blade and penetrated deeply into the flesh.

The tragedy or what might have happened ... A man is fleeing up a mountainside, his pursuers hard on his heels. He flinches. A flint arrowhead had just pierced his left shoulder blade and penetrated deeply into the flesh...

Archäologisches Zentrum Hitzacker (DE)

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About 90 kilometers southeast of Hamburg, at the B216 between Lüneburg and Dannenberg, the small village of Hitzacker is situated on the west bank of the Elbe. For decades, this river was dividing between East and West Germany. The river bank here is an archaeological reservation, with many remains from the Bronze Age.

About 90 kilometers southeast of Hamburg, at the B216 between Lüneburg and Dannenberg, the small village of Hitzacker is situated on the west bank of the Elbe. For decades, this river was dividing between East and West Germany. The river bank here is an archaeological reservation, with many remains from the Bronze Age...

Bronzezeithof Uelsen (DE)

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Since 2005, a Bronze Age Farm under (re-)construction as a place for educational and experimental archaeology. The project started as an initiative of the community of Uelsen, which financed roughly half of the amount required (ca. 90.000 Euros) for the building of the central house. The other half came from the EU (Euregio).

Since 2005, a Bronze Age Farm under (re-)construction as a place for educational and experimental archaeology. The project started as an initiative of the community of Uelsen, which financed roughly half of the amount required (ca. 90.000 Euros) for the building of the central house...