Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Mas des Tourelles (FR)

Member of EXARC

On the Roman Via Domitia (connecting Spain to Italy) there used to be a Roman villa, producing amphorae on a large scale. This villa was excavated in two campaigns (1980-1983 by the CNRS and 2000-2002).

On the Roman Via Domitia (connecting Spain to Italy) there used to be a Roman villa, producing amphorae on a large scale. This villa was excavated in two campaigns (1980-1983 by the CNRS and 2000-2002)...

Kivikauden Kylä, Saarijärvi (FI)

Member of EXARC

Finland's largest and oldest reconstructed stone age village can be found at Saarijärvi. “Kivikauden Kylä” literally means “Stone Age Village” in Finnish.

Finland's largest and oldest reconstructed stone age village can be found at Saarijärvi. “Kivikauden Kylä” literally means “Stone Age Village” in Finnish...

Sommelo (FI)

Member of EXARC

At the Pukkisaari Island, an ancient trading post like it could have been like 1,000 years ago was built in 1998. It contains some dwellings, a market place and craft workshops. The development from open trade site without houses up to the founding of cities is explained here.

At the Pukkisaari Island, an ancient trading post like it could have been like 1,000 years ago was built in 1998. It contains some dwellings, a market place and craft workshops. The development from open trade site without houses up to the founding of cities is explained here...

Keltendorf am Steinerbichl (ZE) (AT)

Member of EXARC

In 1962, when the main water line of Uttendorf was being moved, a field with Hallstatt graves was discovered and researched by the University of Salzburg soon followed by traces of a settlement at Steinerbichl.

In 1962, when the main water line of Uttendorf was being moved, a field with Hallstatt graves was discovered and researched by the University of Salzburg soon followed by traces of a settlement at Steinerbichl...

Freilichtmuseum Frühmittelalterdorf Unterrabnitz (OP) (AT)

Member of EXARC

When in October 2002 a bridge was built over the Rabnitz in Mittenburgenland, archaeological artefacts were found. Less than half a year later, the Mayor of Unterrabnitz, Wilhelm Heißenberger commissioned a plan for an early medieval archaeological open air museum.

When in October 2002 a bridge was built over the Rabnitz in Mittenburgenland, archaeological artefacts were found. Less than half a year later, the Mayor of Unterrabnitz, Wilhelm Heißenberger commissioned a plan for an early medieval archaeological open air museum...

Ötzidorf Umhausen (Tirol) (AT)

Member of EXARC

The Ötztal Association of prehistoric buildings and local history in Umhausen has built the “Ötzi village”, an archaeological open air park meant to illustrate how life might have been in the days Ötzi walked through the Alp Region.

The Ötztal Association of prehistoric buildings and local history in Umhausen has built the “Ötzi village”, an archaeological open air park meant to illustrate how life might have been in the days Ötzi walked through the Alp Region...

Hallstattzeitliches Gehöft am Burgstallkogel (AT)

Member of EXARC

2003 and 2004, the Hallstatt Museum Großklein in the Steiermark and the municipality Großklein in cooperation with the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS) built a series of experimental archaeological house (re)constructions.

2003 and 2004, the Hallstatt Museum Großklein in the Steiermark and the municipality Großklein in cooperation with the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS) built a series of experimental archaeological house (re)constructions...

Chiltern Open Air Museum (UK)

Member of EXARC

Vernacular buildings - the houses and workplaces of past generations - are disappearing every day from the landscape. In the Chilterns, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on London's doorstep, the pressures are particularly great. Chiltern Open Air Museum preserves and interprets the built heritage of the Chilterns that would otherwise be lost.

Vernacular buildings - the houses and workplaces of past generations - are disappearing every day from the landscape. In the Chilterns, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on London's doorstep, the pressures are particularly great. Chiltern Open Air Museum preserves and interprets the built heritage of the Chilterns that would otherwise be lost...

Slawenburg Raddusch (DE)

Member of EXARC

The idea for the „Slawenburg Raddusch” with the exhibition about archaeology in the area of lignite mining in Lower Lusatia was suggested by the Landesamt für Bodendenkmalpflege und Archäologischem Landesmuseum (BLDAM) itself.

The idea for the „Slawenburg Raddusch” with the exhibition about archaeology in the area of lignite mining in Lower Lusatia was suggested by the Landesamt für Bodendenkmalpflege und Archäologischem Landesmuseum (BLDAM) itself...