Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Ukranenland (DE)

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Since 1995, historic building activities are taking place in Torgelow. This includes the building of an Early Medieval village (9th – 10th century) as well as ship construction the way it could have been in the past. From 2006 onward, there is also an indoor area called Castrum Turglowe focusing on the year 1281 in this village.

Since 1995, historic building activities are taking place in Torgelow. This includes the building of an Early Medieval village (9th – 10th century) as well as ship construction the way it could have been in the past. From 2006 onward, there is also an indoor area called Castrum Turglowe focusing on the year 1281 in this village...

Keltisches Gehöft Stöffling (DE)

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Seebruck has a Roman Museum showing finds of Bedaium, which used to be situated here, on the road between Salzburg and Augsburg. This show case museum offers events every now and then with living history. Around the museum, a 27 km long route connects locations of historical and archaeological interest.

Seebruck has a Roman Museum showing finds of Bedaium, which used to be situated here, on the road between Salzburg and Augsburg. This show case museum offers events every now and then with living history. Around the museum, a 27 km long route connects locations of historical and archaeological interest...

Mittelalterliche Bergstadt Bleiberg (DE)

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In the 1970s, Dr. Schwabenicki was searching for a Slawic fortified settlement (the nearby city is called Sachsenburg) but found a Medieval mountain village instead: Bergstadt Blyberge (Bleiberg).

In the 1970s, Dr. Schwabenicki was searching for a Slawic fortified settlement (the nearby city is called Sachsenburg) but found a Medieval mountain village instead: Bergstadt Blyberge (Bleiberg)...

Steinzeitdorf Randau (DE)

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At Randau, an outskirt of Magdeburg, artefacts of Neolithic origin were found and secured during World War II. In the late 1990s, the idea came up to reconstruct the place. The city Magdeburg offered workforce and the Arbeitsamt covered costs.

At Randau, an outskirt of Magdeburg, artefacts of Neolithic origin were found and secured during World War II. In the late 1990s, the idea came up to reconstruct the place. The city Magdeburg offered workforce and the Arbeitsamt covered costs...

Römervilla Möckenlohe (DE)

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The association behind the Roman Villa was founded in 1983 in order to safeguard in cooperation with the Bavarian Landesdamt für Bodendenkmalpflege the excavated walls and artefacts. As a second step, together with the Landesstelle für die Nichtstaatlichen Museen, one reconstructed the central complex of the Villa Rustica on top of the original foundations and exhibited all artefacts on the original spot.

The association behind the Roman Villa was founded in 1983 in order to safeguard in cooperation with the Bavarian Landesdamt für Bodendenkmalpflege the excavated walls and artefacts. As a second step, together with the Landesstelle für die Nichtstaatlichen Museen...

Erlebnisdorf Alcmona (DE)

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Between Kelheim and Dietfurt, you will find the Archaeology Park Altmühltal (APA). While preparing for the construction of the Main-Donau channel, over the years 1976-1991 the lower valley was intensively researched on archaeological remains. The fascinating finds can now be found in three nearby archaeological museums.

Between Kelheim and Dietfurt, you will find the Archaeology Park Altmühltal (APA). While preparing for the construction of the Main-Donau channel, over the years 1976-1991 the lower valley was intensively researched on archaeological remains. The fascinating finds can now be found in three nearby archaeological museums...

Römisches Freilichtmuseum Hechingen-Stein (DE)

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In the first century AD, a Roman Villa Rustica was constructed at Hechingen-Stein. It remained functioning for 200 years. In 1973, traces of the forgotten villa were discovered by the mayor of Stein, Gerd Schollian in the Teufelbach forrest. The Landesdenkmalamt Thübingen excavated over the years 1987 – 1981 the main buildings and the baths. Since 1992 new excavations took place uncovering among others the temple.

In the first century AD, a Roman Villa Rustica was constructed at Hechingen-Stein. It remained functioning for 200 years. In 1973, traces of the forgotten villa were discovered by the mayor of Stein, Gerd Schollian in the Teufelbach forrest...

La Maisnie Joulain (FR)

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Following the growing threat of invasions of their territories by the Vikings for example, the lords of the Middle Ages felt the need to protect themselves effectively. For this they have built castles. But long before the massive stone castles that we all know, smaller castles were made of wood and earth. These strongholds of the millennium are commonly called motte castles.

Following the growing threat of invasions of their territories by the Vikings for example, the lords of the Middle Ages felt the need to protect themselves effectively. For this they have built castles. But long before the massive stone castles that we all know, smaller castles were made of wood and earth...

Paléosite Saint-Césaire (FR)

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The Paléosite de Saint-Césaire is an interactive and modern museum, a combination of indoor and outdoor. July 1979 at archaeological excavations, bones of a young Neanderthal woman of 35,000 years old were found here, then named Pierette. The discovery led to new ideas about the Neanderthal people and the succession by modern home sapiens in Western Europe.

The Paléosite de Saint-Césaire is an interactive and modern museum, a combination of indoor and outdoor. July 1979 at archaeological excavations, bones of a young Neanderthal woman of 35,000 years old were found here, then named Pierette...

Village de Cambous (FR)

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At Cambous, the Societé Languedocienne de Préhistoire manages a reconstructed Chalcolithic house with stone walls and stone roof. At this site, discovered in 1967, large excavations took place, uncovering Neolithic and Chalcolithic dwellings in what is called one of the oldest villages of France.

At Cambous, the Societé Languedocienne de Préhistoire manages a reconstructed Chalcolithic house with stone walls and stone roof. At this site, discovered in 1967, large excavations took place, uncovering Neolithic and Chalcolithic dwellings in what is called one of the oldest villages of France...