Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Keltendorf Steinbach (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Donnersberg has been an important Celtic oppidum north of the Alps, at 678 metres above sea level. The remains are still visible, and at a neighbouring hilltop, a village with six houses and a fortification has been constructed in 2004 the way it could have been like in the Iron Age.

The Donnersberg has been an important Celtic oppidum north of the Alps, at 678 metres above sea level. The remains are still visible, and at a neighbouring hilltop, a village with six houses and a fortification has been constructed in 2004 the way it could have been like in the Iron Age...

Gabreta (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Celtic Village Gabreta is as an advertising for an organisation with a school for the enumployed, called “bfz - Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, GmbH”.

The Celtic Village Gabreta is as an advertising for an organisation with a school for the enumployed, called “bfz - Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, GmbH”...

Opfermoor Vogtei (DE)

Member of EXARC

In 1990, the middle point of Germany was being calculated – it happened to be in the area of three municipalities: Oberdorla, Niederdorla and Langula. This sounded like a good occasion to attract tourists.

In 1990, the middle point of Germany was being calculated – it happened to be in the area of three municipalities: Oberdorla, Niederdorla and Langula. This sounded like a good occasion to attract tourists...

Le Village Gaulois de St Julien (FR)

Member of EXARC

In 1997, M. Pull and M. Blanchard stood at the origin of the Archéosite Gaulois, the Gaul Village. On retirement from with the Regional Service of the Archaeology of the Midday-Pyrenees and impassioned by the Iron Age, Mr Blanchard got the idea for the project. By now, he is the former chairman of the association.

In 1997, M. Pull and M. Blanchard stood at the origin of the Archéosite Gaulois, the Gaul Village. On retirement from with the Regional Service of the Archaeology of the Midday-Pyrenees and impassioned by the Iron Age, Mr Blanchard got the idea for the project. By now, he is the former chairman of the association...

Musée de Préhistoire des Gorges du Verdon (FR)

Member of EXARC

At Quinson, the departmental museum of the area “Alpes de Haute-Provence” is situated. The goal is to conserve the cultural archaeological Heritage of the Verdon Region, study this patrimony and show and explain it to the public.

At Quinson, the departmental museum of the area “Alpes de Haute-Provence” is situated. The goal is to conserve the cultural archaeological Heritage of the Verdon Region, study this patrimony and show and explain it to the public...

Archéosite de Montans (FR)

Member of EXARC

Created in 1995, the Archéosite de Montans concentrates more than 200 years of archaeological discoveries on its territory. Located in the heart of the millennial vineyard of Gaillac, the museum evokes mainly the formidable destiny of a small Gallic village becoming one of the largest ceramic centers of the Roman Empire.

Created in 1995, the Archéosite de Montans concentrates more than 200 years of archaeological discoveries on its territory. Located in the heart of the millennial vineyard of Gaillac, the museum evokes mainly the formidable destiny of a small Gallic village becoming one of the largest...

Village Gaulois Coriobona (FR)

Member of EXARC

The living history group "The Gaul of Esse" constructed an Iron Age village of about 4 hectares like the first century BC. The most important source were the excavations at St Gence prés de Limoges, added to which information from other sources.

The living history group "The Gaul of Esse" constructed an Iron Age village of about 4 hectares like the first century BC. The most important source were the excavations at St Gence prés de Limoges, added to which information from other sources...

Virges Armes (FR)

Member of EXARC

Château Thierry is a small town in Picardy. At the castle, the Virges Armes Museum is situated. At Virges Armes, a multi period experience is presented to the public, from Antiquity up to the 1940s.

Château Thierry is a small town in Picardy. At the castle, the Virges Armes Museum was situated. The museum is closed now. At Virges Armes, a multi period experience was presented to the public, from Antiquity up to the 1940s...

Kuralan Kylämäki (FI)

Member of EXARC

Kuralan Kylämäki (Kurala Village Hill) is a division of the Turku Provincial Museum and is owned by the the City of Turku. The purpose is to offer answers for questions concerning ancient living in Finland.

Kuralan Kylämäki (Kurala Village Hill) is a division of the Turku Provincial Museum and is owned by the the City of Turku. The purpose is to offer answers for questions concerning ancient living in Finland...