Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Lunt Roman Fort (UK)

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After the Iceni of East Anglia led by the legendary Boudica have rebelled against Roman rule and lost in AD 60, the Romans built a series of forts across the Midlands, including the Lunt. This turf & timber fort is now partly reconstructed.

After the Iceni of East Anglia led by the legendary Boudica have rebelled against Roman rule and lost in AD 60, the Romans built a series of forts across the Midlands, including the Lunt. This turf & timber fort is now partly reconstructed...

Vuollerim 6000 år (SE)

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Vuollerim 6000 år is an open air museum for all ages illustrating the Stone Age of Lapland. This museum houses an exhibition called “A vision of the past”, which shows not only the original finds from the excavation, but also reconstructions of Stone Age clothes and tools based on ethnographic studies and/or finds from other places.

Vuollerim 6000 år is an open air museum for all ages illustrating the Stone Age of Lapland. This museum houses an exhibition called “A vision of the past”, which shows not only the original finds from the excavation, but also reconstructions of Stone Age clothes and tools based on ethnographic studies and/or finds from other places. ..

Cosmeston Medieval Village (UK)

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Just south of Cardiff you will find the town of Penarth. In the 1970s the local council decided to create a country park out of a former quarry and landfill site just outside of Penarth in area that was marked on old maps as being called Cosmeston.

Just south of Cardiff you will find the town of Penarth. In the 1970s the local council decided to create a country park out of a former quarry and landfill site just outside of Penarth in area that was marked on old maps as being called Cosmeston.

Parc de la Préhistoire (FR)

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The fun participative workshops at the Prehistoric Park in Tarascon sur Ariège guarantee total immersion in the heart of our Magdalenian ancestors’ daily life. Adults and children alike will time-travel 14 000 years back and gather new insights into prehistoric people, their way of life and their art. Numerous facilitated workshops and discovery games will immerse you in the life of a prehistoric person.

The fun participative workshops at the Prehistoric Park in Tarascon sur Ariège guarantee total immersion in the heart of our Magdalenian ancestors’ daily life. Adults and children alike will time-travel 14 000 years back and gather new insights...

Vikingagården Gunnes Gård (SE)

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The initiative for Gunnes Gård was taken by the Stockholms Läns Museum with the publication of a book about cultural areas in the region Upplands Väsby, in 1988. The Smedby Park was highlighted in the book as an interesting culture historical area. The park is an area for relaxation and walking, rich in ancient monuments from the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Viking Age (rune stones).

The initiative for Gunnes Gård was taken by the Stockholms Läns Museum with the publication of a book about cultural areas in the region Upplands Väsby, in 1988. The Smedby Park was highlighted in the book as an interesting culture historical area. The park is an area for relaxation and walking, rich in ancient monuments from...

Ale Vikingagård (SE)

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At Ale, a Viking Age Chieftains Farm is constructed after an example from Tissø in Denmark. It is complemented by finds at Viking settlements in Norway and local context from the 10th century.

At Ale, a Viking Age Chieftains Farm is constructed after an example from Tissø in Denmark. It is complemented by finds at Viking settlements in Norway and local context from the 10th century...

M3 Archeopark - Polgár (HU)

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The M3 Archeopark is a combination of a folk museum, a 5 hectare large leisure-time park and archaeological open-air museum. It opened 2007 next to the motorway M3, 40 kilometres from Debrecen, direction Polgár and parts of the presentation are about the finds which came to light during constructing the motorway.
The presentations are mainly about the folk culture of the surrounding region and much is about the recent past, shown in pavilions and recreated historical buildings.

The M3 Archeopark is a combination of a folk museum, a 5 hectare large leisure-time park and archaeological open-air museum. It opened 2007 next to the motorway M3, 40 kilometres from Debrecen, direction Polgár and parts of the presentation are about the finds which came to light during constructing the motorway...

Khirokitia (CY)

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Khirokitia (or Choirokoitia, Greek:Χοιροκοιτία) was first excavated in 1934-1946. By the end of the 1970s, French excavations started. The site itself is UNESCO World Heritage since 1998.

Khirokitia (or Choirokoitia, Greek:Χοιροκοιτία) was first excavated in 1934-1946. By the end of the 1970s, French excavations started. The site itself is UNESCO World Heritage since 1998...

Urgeschichtliches Freilichtmuseum KulmKeltendorf (ST) (AT)

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In the early 1970s, at the mountain Kulm in the Steiermark, traces of Celtic habitation were found which were excavated in 1977 and 1987. The association “Gesellschaft für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Kulm” was founded by teachers fond of local cultural heritage, in order to protect the archaeological remains and communicate about them.

In the early 1970s, at the mountain Kulm in the Steiermark, traces of Celtic habitation were found which were excavated in 1977 and 1987. The association “Gesellschaft für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Kulm” was founded by teachers fond of local cultural heritage...

Pfalz Tilleda (DE)

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The imperial palace at Tilleda was in service from the 9th until 13th century, housing several kings and emperors. At present, it is the most completely excavated example in Germany.

The imperial palace at Tilleda was in service from the 9th until 13th century, housing several kings and emperors. At present, it is the most completely excavated example in Germany...