Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Jernaldergarden (NO)

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In the 1960s, in the then outskirts of Stavanger, large excavations revealed a settlement of the 4th – 6th century, in Norway called Iron Age or better said “Migration Period”. Soon after, it was decided to build here a farm complex the way it could have been like back then.

In the 1960s, in the then outskirts of Stavanger, large excavations revealed a settlement of the 4th – 6th century, in Norway called Iron Age or better said “Migration Period”. Soon after, it was decided to build here a farm complex the way it could have been like back then...

Fortidslandsbyen Landa (NO)

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At Landa, In the 1980s and 90s, over 250 houses were excavated in one of the largest excavation campaigns of Norway. This area was in extensive use from Bronze Age well into the Viking Age. The project "Fortidslandsbyen Landa på Forsand" has three reconstructed houses.

At Landa, In the 1980s and 90s, over 250 houses were excavated in one of the largest excavation campaigns of Norway. This area was in extensive use from Bronze Age well into the Viking Age. The project "Fortidslandsbyen Landa på Forsand" has three reconstructed houses...

Middeleeuws erf Schothorst (NL)

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The State Archaeological Service (RACM) was situated in Amersfoort for decades. One of the most impressive archaeological campaigns were the 1970s excavations of Dorestad at Wijk bij Duurstede. This led to the idea of reconstructing one of the longhouses but where? In their own back yard?

The State Archaeological Service (RACM) was situated in Amersfoort for decades. One of the most impressive archaeological campaigns were the 1970s excavations of Dorestad at Wijk bij Duurstede. This led to the idea of reconstructing one of the longhouses but where? In their own back yard?...

Þjóðveldisbærinn Viking Farm Stöng (IS)

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Although possibly Romans but surely Irish monks had gone before the Vikings, Iceland’s foundation is calculated as having started in 874. Iceland was an independent commonwealth when in 1104 the volcano Hekla in the southern region of Árnessýsla erupted, it had a devastating effect on the rivervalley of Þjórsá.

Although possibly Romans but surely Irish monks had gone before the Vikings, Iceland’s foundation is calculated as having started in 874. Iceland was an independent commonwealth when in 1104 the volcano Hekla in the southern region of Árnessýsla erupted, it had a devastating effect on the rivervalley of Þjórsá...

Eiriksstaðir (IS)

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Haukadalur is an area in the Northwest of the country. This was the home of the famous Erik the Red, around the year 1000 AD. He first became famous after he was sent into exile due to several murders committed. He was forced to leave the island and sailed west and hit on Greenland.

Haukadalur is an area in the Northwest of the country. This was the home of the famous Erik the Red, around the year 1000 AD. He first became famous after he was sent into exile due to several murders committed. He was forced to leave the island and sailed west and hit on Greenland...

Koggmuseet i Malmö (SE)

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The Koggmuseet is situated near the city centre of Malmö, where in the past the high speed ferry left to Copenhagen. Since 2000, when there is a bridge connection across the Öresund, this ferry harbour is unnecessary anymore and traffic between Sweden and Denmark has been abundant.

The Koggmuseet was situated near the city centre of Malmö, where in the past the high speed ferry left to Copenhagen. Since 2000, when there is a bridge connection across the Öresund, this ferry harbour is unnecessary anymore and traffic between Sweden and Denmark has been abundant...

Europäischer Kulturpark Bliesbruck-Rheinheim (DE)(FR)

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The French-German border cuts straight through a complex of archaeological sites, most of which date to the Iron Age & Roman Era. A perfect occasion to explain that our present borders are in our minds, not in reality. Archaeologist Jean Schaub founded the European Culture park at both sides of the border – in France at Bliesbruck, in Germany at Gersheim-Reinheim.

The French-German border cuts straight through a complex of archaeological sites, most of which date to the Iron Age & Roman Era. A perfect occasion to explain that our present borders are in our minds, not in reality. Archaeologist Jean Schaub founded the European Culture park at both sides of the border...

Keltenmuseum Hochdorf (DE)

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In 1978, a very rich Celtic grave mound at Hochdorf, a few kilometres North of Stuttgart was the archaeological sensation of the year. It was a very rich grave of about 550 BC and contained grave goods one had not dreamed of before.

In 1978, a very rich Celtic grave mound at Hochdorf, a few kilometres North of Stuttgart was the archaeological sensation of the year. It was a very rich grave of about 550 BC and contained grave goods one had not dreamed of before...

Vikingeborgen Trelleborg Slagelse (DK)

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One of the most well known structures of the late Viking Age are the round fortresses, like at Aggersborg, Fyrkat and Trelleborg, both the one in Sweden and the one in Denmark near Slagelse. Unlike its Skånske counterpart, the Slagelse Trelleborg has never been overbuilt. The ruins were still visible at excavation and the earthen rampart is now rebuilt up to its original size: 180 metres in diameter.

One of the most well known structures of the late Viking Age are the round fortresses, like at Aggersborg, Fyrkat and Trelleborg, both the one in Sweden and the one in Denmark near Slagelse. Unlike its Skånske counterpart, the Slagelse Trelleborg has never been overbuilt...

Bornholms Middelaldercenter (DK)

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Bornholm's Medieval Center, founded in 1996, is a historical experience center with a focus on the years 1300-1450, situated on 14 hectares of scenic surroundings with rivers, forests and rocky outcrops. The medieval center's main attraction is a fortified grand mansion with towers and frescoed farmhouse as well as other buildings for daily chores, surrounded by an earthen wall with palisade. In addition, the medieval center includes a small watermill, a number of smaller craft houses, gardens and path systems and spaces for various old animal breeds. There are also daily firings with various old gun types.

Bornholm's Medieval Center, founded in 1996, is a historical experience center with a focus on the years 1300-1450, situated on 14 hectares of scenic surroundings with rivers, forests and rocky outcrops...