United Kingdom

Roundtables at University College Dublin, January 2015

Ruth Fillery-Travis 1
Publication Date
On 15 January 2015 around 25 people participated in the Academic Round Table chaired by Professor Bill Schindler from Washington College, and later this day in the Experimental Archaeology Networks Roundtable, with Roeland Paardekooper from EXARC chairing. Attendees came from a variety of countries, including Malta, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Latvia, UK, Sweden, the US and Poland...

Apple Weekend

United Kingdom

A chance to bring your own apples to be crushed into juice in our Roman Apple press! Bring a container! Lots of heritage crafters from around Dorset will be showing their skills including woodworkers, a forager, local wildlife conservation groups, historic groups, our storyteller in the Earthhouse and Living History Display from a Viking group.

Dark Ages Weekend

United Kingdom

Join us for a day of early medieval living history 

  • Meet the Saxon Forager
  • Listen to the Dark Bardess playing a replica of the Sutton Hoo lyre
  • Living History displays & demonstrations
  • Scrummy tea and homemade cake
  • WI BBQ and hot food available
  • Have a go historical crafts
  • Storytelling and more

Fergus Pardis Milton

Member of EXARC since
United Kingdom
Crafts & Skills

Involved in experimental archaeology for the past 12 years, specialising in investigating and demonstrating prehistoric metallurgy of the Bronze and Iron Age. I regularly give public demonstrations and teach courses in smelting (copper, tin, iron, lead) and casting (copper, bronze).

Interview: “You’re not Replacing the Museum, you’re Advertising it” with Linda Hurcombe

Gijs Klompmaker 1
Publication Date
Linda Hurcombe, senior lecturer at the University of Exeter, visited the Hunebedmuseum in Borger ( NL) as part of a staff exchange for the OpenArch project. She talked about how to twin new tech-nologies, such as 3D-printing, within archaeology and museums...

Book Review: Accidental and Experimental Archaeometallurgy by D. Dungworth and R. Doonan (Eds)

Dave Budd 1
Publication Date
Spawned from an HMS (Historical Metallurgy Society) conference at West Dean College in 2010, this book is a unique compilation of papers written by both academics and craftsmen. Further articles not directly drawn from the conference have been included and cover non-ferrous experiments and an ethnographic study of blacksmithing...

Dave Budd MA

Member of EXARC since
United Kingdom
Crafts & Skills

I gained my MA in Experimental Archaeology from the University of Exeter in 2003. Since then I have worked as a blacksmith (specifically a tool maker), specialising in archaeologically accurate reproductions.