United Kingdom

Archaeological Live Interpretations, Docu-Soaps and Themed Walks: Similarities and Differences

Sarah Willner 1,
Stefanie Samida 2 ✉,
Georg Koch 2
Publication Date


For many years, the public has become increasingly aware of historical and archaeological topics, a phenomenon to which large-scale and well-attended exhibitions, so-called ‘medievalmarkets’, the continual success of historical TV-documentaries, and a booming market in specialized books and magazines may attest. Living history formats on television or historical docu-soaps also attract millions of viewers (see, for example, Schwarzwaldhaus 1902, SWR 2002; SteinzeitDasExperiment, SWR 2007).

Book Review: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences by L. Shillito, E. Fairnell and H. S. Williams (eds)

Katy Whitaker 1
Publication Date
A set of eleven articles resulting from the call for papers for the Sixth UK Experimental Archaeology Conference (held in York in January 2012) is now published in a special issue of the Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences...

Conference Review: 8th Experimental Archaeology Conference, Oxford 2014

E. Giovanna Fregni 1
Publication Date
EAC Conferences
***The conference unofficially began in the Royal Blenheim pub at 6 pm on Thursday evening. Conference staff and attendees filtered in throughout the evening eventually filling the back room. The pub had excellent food and a good variety of local ales. Those who managed to brave the flooding introduced themselves and got to know...

Flag Fen (UK)

Member of EXARC

In 1982, in the local fenlands of Peterborough, wooden timbers were accidentally brought to light. It was the time of the heavy draining of these areas. An archaeological team, lead by Francis Pryor discovered they belonged to a post alignment dating back to the Bronze Age, leading into the fens for over 1 kilometre.

In 1982, in the local fenlands of Peterborough, wooden timbers were accidentally brought to light. It was the time of the heavy draining of these areas. An archaeological team, lead by Francis Pryor discovered they belonged to a post alignment dating back to the Bronze Age, leading into the fens for over 1 kilometre...

From Mead to Snakebite - An Ethnography of Modern British University Sports Team Drinking Culture and its Parallels with the Drinking Rituals of the Viking World

Matt Austin 1
Publication Date
7th UK EA Conference Cardiff 2013
***The idea for this paper came, as these things often do, in a bar. The interesting twist was that instead of being an inebriated patron, I was actually working behind the bar observing the scenes of intoxicated students with a bemused expression. What began as a joke...

The Mummification of Votive Birds: Past and Present

Stephanie D. Atherton 1,
Lidija M. McKnight 1
Publication Date


Animal mummies can be divided into four types: pets, mummified to accompany their owners into the Afterlife; victual, prepared and mummified food offerings for consumption in the Afterlife; cult, an individual selected based upon specific characteristics and markings to be an avatar for their prospective deity; and votive, where the whole population of certain species associated with a particular deity were classed as sacred and therefore worthy of mummification (Ikram and Iskander 2002; Ikram 2005; McKnight 2010).

“You could See it [the Past] in your Mind”: What Impact might Living History Performance Have on the Historical Consciousness of Young People?

Ceri Jones 1
Publication Date

Combining theoretical perspectives with two case studies carried out in 2008 with British students aged from 10-17 years old, this paper will explore how living history might contribute to the development of young people’s historical consciousness and help them to cope with the social and cultural differences which confront them when learning about the past. In particular, it will focus on the effectiveness of first- and third-person interpretation.

Conference Review: A Trip to the Birthplace of Experimental Archaeology

Artūrs Tomsons 1,2
Publication Date
Summer is already coming to an end, but in experimental archaeology, season is not important. Following the conclusion of a field course in experimental archaeology held in the University of Latvia, it is hoped that a short report and perhaps a more detailed article will be produced in the future...

Book Review: The Value of an Archaeological Open-Air Museum is in its Use by Roeland Paardekooper

Ronan O’Flaherty 1
Publication Date
With publication of Dr Paardekooper’s monograph we now, finally, have a secure databank of facts and figures relating to archaeological open-air museums in Europe, including management structures, key financial indicators, visitor profiles and visitor numbers...