Bronze Age

Event Review: the Bronze Casting Festival at the Bronzezeithof, Uelsen, Germany

E. Giovanna Fregni 1
Publication Date
The first Bronze Casting Festival was held in May 2017 at the Bronzezeithof in Uelsen, Germany. The event was organised by Martijn van Es, who has an active interest in bronze casting and experimental archaeology. A call was put forward to skilled metal workers to come to Uelsen to conduct experiments and...

12th Iberian Congress of Archaeometry (CIA 2017)


The 12th Iberian Congress of Archaeometry will be held between October 25th and 28th at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) in Burgos .

The Iberian archaeometry community will meet to discuss the technological advances and their possible applications to the material study of historical, archaeological and cultural heritage.



Experimenting is a great way to understand and learn. Experimenting through manual activities and the study of ancient technologies, allows us to transform the notional store to an everyday action.

The Colour Palette of Antique Bronzes: An Experimental Archaeology Project

Jonathan Devogelaere 1
Publication Date
Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin, with lead also added. Hellenistic and Roman bronze objects have a variable percentage of metals, and because of this the colour of the alloy will differ depending on the proportions. The colour of the alloy can be maintained by polishing, but it is also possible to give a patina to the surface of bronze using a reagent...

Prehistoric Beekeeping in Central Europe - a Themed Guided Tour at Zeiteninsel, Germany

Sonja Guber 1
Publication Date
Over the past few years, beekeeping has been a media focal point. Nevertheless There is a paucity of knowledge surrounding the prehistory of beekeeping outside of the information from the east and south Mediterranean regions...

“Days of Living Archaeology” at the Prehistoric Archaeopark Vsestary, Czech Republic

Radomír Tichý 1
Publication Date
Until recently, the presentation of archaeology in the Czech Republic was solely connected to classic museum exhibitions. Unfortunately, not all museums have archaeological exhibitions. For example, the National Museum in Prague currently does not have any, not even temporary, archaeological exhibition due to the reconstruction of the historical building...