Late Middle Ages

Guédelon (FR)

Member of EXARC

In Guédelon forest, in a once disused quarry, using medieval technology, woodcutters, quarrymen, carpenters, stonemasons, blacksmiths, tilers, carters and rope makers are building a 13th-century castle from scratch...

In Guédelon forest, in a once disused quarry, woodcutters, quarrymen, carpenters, stonemasons, blacksmiths, tilers, carters and rope makers are building a 13th-century castle from scratch...

Iron Smelting Camp

Organised by
Adam Thiele cand. PhD

The venue of the camp will be close to Lake Balaton, in Somogyfajsz, where a bloomery workshop with several furnaces from the 10th century was excavated over which a Bloomery Museum was erected. During this camp we will mine local bog iron, burn charcoal in a charcoal pile, build furnaces, smelt iron and forge the extracted iron blooms.

People Want Quality and They are Willing to Pay for it

Henrik Zipsane 1
Publication Date
The international and European notion of cultural and creative industries has not shown much appreciation of the potential of the cultural sector, especially the heritage sector. This may or may not be fair, but the perspective in the conclusions from KEA studies on cultural economy and creativity has been symptomatic for the European approach (KEA 2006; 2009)...

Conference Review: Live Interpretation, 2013 EXARC’s Meeting in Hungary

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
In early September 2013, EXARC, in collaboration with Csiki Pihenökert, hosted a meeting in Hungary with the theme Live Interpretation in Open-air Venues. This continued the discussions held one year earlier in Foteviken, Sweden which focused on museum theatre and other forms of live interpretation...

Book Review: Guédelon - Building a French Castle the 13th Century Way

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
Guédelon: How to Build a Castle by Darques is by no means a DIY book or a guided tour on paper of the Guédelon site. Guédelon: a Castle in the Making by Martin & Renucci is subtitled The Guédelon Adventure and although it carries a lot of information about the construction site and its sources, this book still reads much like an adventure book...

Conference Review: Reaching Visitors Through Dialogue, Play and Experimental Archaeology. OpenArch Congress Archeon

Yvonne van Amerongen 1
Publication Date
This three-day conference (23-25 April 2013) was part of the OpenArch project, a project that spans five years and aims to raise the standard of scientific research and public presentation in the open-air museums throughout Europe, with a focus on the interaction with the visitor...