
EXARC Historical Textiles Chat

Organised by
the Netherlands

Textile researchers have a challenge when looking for information in our field, which is part of what makes it fun! We have to think outside the box, looking in places others may not consider. Bring your favorite sources, ask about what you are looking for, or tell us your stories of the search. Join us on Discord in the textile chat on the EXARC channel on November 27, 2021, at 1500 CET.

הפורום הישראלי לארכיאולוגיה ניסויית - The Israeli Forum for Experimental Archaeology (IL)

The Israeli Forum for Experimental Archaeology was established in order to connect archaeologists, field and laboratory researchers and practitioners of ancient crafts, with an emphasis on collaboration, knowledge sharing and public engagement.

Our members come from a range of fields; academics, Living History groups, museum workers, educators, craftspeople, archaeologists and more. Thus, we aim to link persons involved with experimental archaeology in Israel and create a place to share, consult and learn, along with other experts engaged in the field. In addition, we endeavour to create experiment databases and coordinate experiments, workshops, and conferences. Our dogma is that through experimental archaeology, people from different backgrounds can advance research by sharing knowledge, experience and facilities.

EXARC Beer Brewing Chat

Organised by
the Netherlands

For historical-archaeological brewers, we gather for our monthly chat. It is open access and will include links and discussion about craft brewing - you decide what will be on the table! The chat starts at 15:00h CET (Amsterdam time) and may take about 1.5 hours.

Active Weekend: Javelin Throwing


The javelin throwing on Saturday, September 26th and Sunday, September 27th, is for the adventurous and families. Equipped with a spear and a spear thrower, young and old learn about Stone Age hunting techniques and all kinds of interesting facts about hunting and everyday life in prehistory.

Asociación Cantabruri Historia 3.0 - Difusión y Divulgación del Patrimonio Histórico (ES)

Cantabruri Association (Cantabruri - Dissemination and Disclosure of Historical Heritage), an association of historians and archaeologists who, at the end of our studies, have profiled ourselves for the disclose and dissemination of historical heritage. We focus on the Cantabria area, in the north of Spain. We are currently working with different regional government institutions.

Cantabruri Association (Cantabruri - Dissemination and Disclose n of Historical Heritage), an association of historians and archaeologists who, at the end of our studies, have profiled ourselves for the disclose a nd dissemination of historical heritage. We focus on the Cantabria area, in the north of Spain. We are currently working with different regional government institutions...

Roe Deer as Raw Material for Middle Mesolithic Fishhooks? An Experimental Approach to the Manufacture of Small Bone Fishhooks

Anja Mansrud 1 ✉,
Morten Kutschera 2
Publication Date
Bone fishhooks have occasionally been retrieved from bone assemblages at coastal sites dating to the Middle Mesolithic phase (8300-6300 cal. BC) in Southern Norway and Western Sweden. Several studies of fishhooks from these sites have been undertaken in recent years. Fishhooks can be manufactured from different osseous materials, including antler, ribs and shafts of different long bones...

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (BR)

Member of EXARC

Grupo de Estudos do Simbólico e Técnico da Olaria (Pottery Symbolic and Technical Study Group, (GESTO) is an active group in the area of Minas Gerais, Brazil, which focuses on practicing South American pottery techniques through experimental archaeology.

Their main focus is to spread archaeological knowledge, in particular the reproduction of all stages of traditional Amerindian pottery techniques, from the collection of raw materials to the reproduction of objects and the baking with wood fires. The group was born out of the great interest that students of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais had for experimental techniques of pottery reproduction. Now led by Prof.

University of Alberta (CA)

Member of EXARC

The University of Alberta is one of the top 5 institutions in Canada and is known nationally and internationally for their innovative research. They aim to foster creativity through a mixture of theoretical and practical courses. Through the Undergraduate Research Initiative, students of all levels of education can access funding for research and creative activities.

Department of Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology specializes in archaeology, biological anthropology, and socio-cultural anthropology. Courses are offered in Prehistory, Indigenous and Prairie Archaeology, as well as human skeletal and dental biology, disease processes in antiquity, and forensic anthropology. They have a number of different reference collections and laboratory spaces, including the Bryan/Gruhn Ethnographic Collection and a Photographic Studio.